Tablet Press Machine

Allpack tablet press machine is mainly designed for pressing round tablets from various kinds of granular materials and different fomulations in pharmaceutical industry. It can also be used in chemical, food, electronics, daily necessities and other industries. The tablet press machine can press various granular materials into tablets, and can customize various tablets with special patterns, graphics and double-sided engraving, etc. It is capable of mass production of round and special tablets such as medicines, candies, calcium, etc. The equipment is a fully enclosed structure, made of stainless steel. Through the transparent window, you can clearly observe the pressing of the tablets. It is a primary machine to fit batch production of tablets. The cover is made of stainless steel with a close type. The inner tablet surface is also applied with stainless steel materials which could keep surface luster and prevent it from being polluted crossly, complying with GMP requirements.

Capsules Vs Tablets

Capsules Vs Tablets In Medicine:Which Suits Your Pharma Business

Capsules Vs Tablets In Medicine:Which Suits Your Pharma Business

Do you hesitate in choosing medicine form? Capsule and tablet in medicine, it seemed that they have their own different only in features. But the small change of the form of your medicine may induce the big change of your medicine effect or sales. The change of form are not a trivial matter.

Capsules vs tablets in medicine:which suits your pharma business? What are the difference between capsule and tablet? Which one is better? Is it safe to crush tablet or open capsule? Have you ever wondered these questions? If you do, then you are in the right post.

You can get the comprehensive knowledge about capsule and tablet in pharma business. The deeper understanding can help your medicines give out its biggest effect and help your patients better. Now, come on and have a reading!

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    1.What IsCapsules VS Tablets In Medicine?

    Capsule And Tablet

    Capsule And Tablet-Sourced:welzo

    Capsules VS tablet in medicine are most frequently used in your curing or caring process in pharmaceutical field. Both of them are great drug carrier. Capsule has hard and soft shells. Medications are enclosed in the shells and get out in your digestive track. They are mostly cylinders and have the shells made by gelatin or polymer.

    Tablets are a member of pill. The powder medical ingredients are compressed into the hard pill of different size, shape or appearance. And it will break and absorbed when swallowed and dissolved in your stomach. Both of them are safe and easy taking.

    2.What Are The Difference BetweenCapsules And Tablets In Medicine? 

    Capsules vs tablets in medicine all made great job in pharmaceutical field, but the difference of them are still obvious and make important effect.

    The Difference Between Capsules And Tablets

    The Difference Between Capsules And Tablets-Sourced:nicerx

    Difference Capsule Tablet
    Appearance Capsules have its main medical ingredients enclosed in two shells. They are mostly cylinder with smooth and colored shells. Tablets have medical powder pressed into round, square, oval and many other shape. They can also be coated and have varied color.
    Processing   Capsules are easier to manufacture and save energy and time in its simpler processing. Tablets are harder to make and have more complex processing, but it saves more in bulk production.
    Taste Capsules are tasteless with its shells help prevent the flavor of medical in our mouth and digest track. Tablets have the bitter flavor if not coated. And for coated one, you may taste sweat or other acceptable flavor.
    Swallowing Capsules are thought to be swallowed easier as it is smooth and can be opened to fill in drink for better taking. Tablets are harder to swallowed for their unpleasant flavor. But the chewable or coated can help reduce the swallow difficulty.
    Absorption   Capsules are dissolved faster in body compared with tablets and are thus has the faster absorption. Tablets has the dissoluting rate varied according to tablet design and their absorption rate is also varied.
    Additives Capsules use less additives compared with tablet. The largest additive parts may be the gelatin shell. Tablets ask for more additives to make the tablets shaped and formed.
    Split It may be hard to split capsule. If you wanna divide it, you may  open it and deal the powder. Tablets can be split evenly for smaller dosage or more precise pill taking.
    Expense Capsules often save your money as it saved the complex manufacturing process and facility cost. Tables cost more as they are more complex in manufacturing and production. But in long run, it saved more in bulk production, .
    Dosage Capsules lack the flexibility and accuracy in medicine dosage compared with tablets. Tablets have the accurate dosing compared with capsules and can prove the sufficient intake.
    Durability Capsules are easier to get affected by damp, moisture or other features and are thus less stable. Tablets are more stable and have longer shelf life compared with capsules.

    3.Capsules VS Tablets In Medicine:Which Suits Your Pharma Business?

    Have you made the hard decision in capsules and tablets in pharmacy or your medicine manufacturing of your business? If you do, then you should take the suitability of capsule and tablet in different condition seriously. So capsules vs tablets in medicine: which suits your pharma business?

    According to pharma type

    pharma type

    Pharma Type-Sourced:baygreenpharmacy

    Capsules is the ideal form when transporting the potent medicines and the high bioavailable makes the better delivery to blood. For people with hard absorption or medicines like proton pump inhibitors, calcium, or iron, capsule is more suitable.

    Tablets should be applied to medicine with flexible dosage as it is easy to get the precise split. Besides, for antibiotic azithromycin, tablets are more effective compared with capsules when taking with food.

    According to budget



    Which suits your pharma business, you should consider your budget and production scale. Capsule can save your money in the primary stage as it applied simpler manufacturing and easier production facility. In the long run, tablets saved more in bulk production for its cheaper material and mass production technique.

    According to patients preference

    medicine preference

    Medicine Preference-Sourced:wkhs

    Patients have their own preference in selecting medicine form. The stability, swallowing difficulty and medicine accuracy are the essential consideration for your picky customers. Besides, you should also consider the marketing of your medicine. Tablets are easier to change shape and color to attract customers.

    According to market technique

    market technique

    Marketing Technique-Sourced:neilpatel

    What is your market technique? Do you attract your customers with quality, brand reputation or your products’ appealing look. If you are the later one, you should choose tablets as it can show more changeable shape, size, test and so on. It varied and attracting appearance helps attract more and improve your sales.

    According to manufacturing experience

    manufacturing experience

    Manufacturing Experience-Sourced:toistersolutions

    What is the most skilled product type of your factory and your business, capsule or tablet? It may be more insured if you choose the medicine form which is more familiar to your manufacturing. You have the well formula and facility. It saves your energy and fund in medicine investigating and manufacturing.

    4.Which One Is BetterIn Medicine, Capsule Or Tablet?

    Capsule vs tablet in medicine, which one is better? This question is frequently asked. Do you have the answer? There are both advantages and disadvantages of capsule and tablet. For different feature or group, this two forms have different values.

    Swallowing difficulty

    Swallowing difficulty

    Swallowing Difficulty-Sourced:nebraskamed

    For smother swallowing, capsule can win in the battle. It is smooth and no taste at all. You may also open capsule and add the powder of capsule in drink or food. This swallowing is much easier compared with tablets.

    Taste acceptance

    Less disgusting taste

    Less Disgusting Taste-Sourced:medcoatusa

    Tablet gives bad flavor if not coated, while capsules are better on this point as it has the shell to prevent the bad taste. To avoid the disgusting taste or smell, you may also seek chewable tablets and coated tablets.

    Storing difficulty

    Longer shelf life

    Longer Shelf Life-Sourced:lablynx

    For people who dose not like storing or has the long medical use need, the medical form with longer storing is preferable. Tablets are thus better in this term.

    Splitting difficulty

    Splitting difficulty

    Splitting Difficulty-Sourced:yougoodsar

    You may find the shining point of tablet in splitting medicine. Tablets are easier to split as it may have a notch to help splitting. And the precise dosage of medical ingredients in tablet makes convenience in splitting. You may get powder from capsule easily but it is difficult to make the precise divide.

    Absorption rate

    Better absorption

    Better Absorption-Sourced:parkmaster

    For people has the slower or damaged absorption ability, the better absorption of medicine is rather important. Capsules have the quicker and better absorption rate generally, while tablets have the varied absorption rate.

    Vegetarian friendly

    Vegetarian friendly

    VVegetarian Friendly-Sourced:plantbasedscotty

    Capsules or tablets, which have no adding of meat ingredients? Of course tablet. Some capsules have the shells made from gelatin which is made by animal skin. For vegetarian or people allergic to meat, tablets are the better choice.

    5.Is It Safe To Crush Tablet Or Open CapsuleIn Medicine?

    You can of course crush tablet or open capsules, but the safety can not always assured. If you have the swallowing difficulty or have the flexible medicine taking need, you should consult the professional person to get the permission of crushing or opening. Here are the reasons.

    Low medicine effect

    medicine effect

    Medicine Effect-Sourced:genomind

    The tablet and capsules are designed to bypass our stomach. As the crushing and opening of tablets and capsules changed the way they absorbed in your body. You may not get the expected effect of medicines for your disease.

    The hard control of dosage

    Dosage control

    Hard Control Of Dosage-Sourced:westend61

    The incorrect dosage can’t cure or care you, but make trouble. Too much or too little is all bad to your body. As capsules and tablets all have the dosage fixed, the casual or unprofessional change of it may induce the mistake and even destroy body.

    6.Are The Tablets And CapsulesIn Medicine Share The Same Manufacturing?

    Capsules vs tablets in medicines are two representative products in medical products. So do you have the question: are the tablets and capsules share the same manufacturing? Of course not, the manufacturing of this two is different.


    Capsule making

    Capsule making

    Capsule Making-Sourced:richpacking020

    Material preparing Preparing material is the first step of capsule making. You should prepare the capsule shell material and the inner medicines. Weighing, coloring are the basic process. The prepared material are then waiting for the formal production.
    Capsule making


    Your well prepared gelatin then filled into capsule manufacturing machine. Pins are submerged into the mold and removed when shell got formed.
    Capsule filling The medical ingredients are then filled in to the shells. They can be powder, liquid or granules.
    Capsule sealing


    Capsules are made of two pieces of shell. The two halves of capsules then got twisted and become the sole one.
    Quality control You well made capsules should experience a series of test like weight, integration and so on to prove the nice quality of it.

    Tablet making

    Tablet making

    Tablet Making-Sourced:researchgate

    Weighing material


    The different tablet needs the different composition, so does the portion of its material. You should weight the different material and get the right one according to formula.


    The various ingredients in tablet should be granulated to ensure the better conformity.


    Sieving is also important to make the small size of granules. This can help increasing dissolution and ensure homogeneous mixing.


    Granules, after the full blending, should get compressed. This process decides the shape, size and appearance of your tablets.
    Coating Coating is the necessary process for some tablets. The suitable coating inhibit the bad flavor and protect your tablet.
    Quality inspection Tablets also has the quality inspection requirements. Its completion, weight and so on should also be inspected carefully.

    Manufacturing machine

    Capsule making machine

    Allpack Automatic Capsule Machine

    Allpack Automatic Capsule Machine

    There are automatic capsule making machine. After the feeding of enough material, it filled material in capsules and sealed well. The whole process is hygienic, accurate and efficient. The nice corporation with material processing and capsule shell making machine can also improve your efficiency greatly.

    Tablet press machine

    Allpack Tablet Press Machine

    Allpack Tablet Press Machine

    The automatic tablet press machine can press the dry powders and granules into a compact structure. The appearance, size, shape and such panel can all be adjusted. You may also made symbol or text on your tablet. Its help makes your work of tablet pressing continuous and efficient.

    7.Can Capsule Transformed Into TabletIn Medicine?

    Capsules vs tablets in medicine sometimes serve the same kind of medicine. So have you ever wondered the transformation of capsules to tablets. You can of course make the transformation if you follow the below rules and make the safe and clean transforming.

    Capsule valuation

    Capsule valuation

    Capsule Valuation-Sourced:anangpuria

    Capsules can be transformed to tablets, but not all are available. Before the transforming, you should evaluate the key features of medical ingredients and other key points. Only the suitable one can make the available tablet and your later operation can be smooth.

    Choose for suitable excipient

    excipient choose

    Excipient Choose-Sourced:pharmtech

    Excipients are the irreplaceable part for tablet shape and forming. You should choose the suitable excipients for the better effect of tablets which are made from capsules. The excipients you choose should be multi functional.




    The transforming of capsules to tablets change the feature of medicines. You should then get the right and reliable formulation to make the real effect medicines. The formulation should also be safe and effective. You should make more test to get hidden change of some features in the transformation and get the best formulation.

    Manufacturing procession

    Making procession

    Making procession-Sourced:geminipharm

    The processing is just like the above mentioned. Your medical material should be granulated, sieved, blended and pressed. The improved tablet processing can make you the better works.

    Quality inspection

    Quality inspection

    Quality Inspection-Sourced:martinkuehn

    Just like the former processing, your well-made tablets should be inspected seriously. This is the assurance of your product’s quality and your brand’s reputation.


    Capsules vs tablets in medicine: which suits your pharma business? You may have your own answers now! The different medical form has different feature and makes different effect. Finding the suitable one can help your medicine make progress. If you have any questions about capsule and tablet, contact us!

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    Rotary Tablet Press-6

    Rotary Tablet Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

    Rotary Tablet Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

    Tablets are preferred over many other drug delivery modes due to their enhanced stability, longer shelf life, and strong resistance to environmental factors. Similarly, the production of tablets has been prevalent in food, chemical, and other industries. Therefore, producing such large number of tablets with good quality and structure is not a manual task rather it requires an intelligent, sophisticated, and upgraded machine which the the one and only Rotary Tablet Press.

    Rotary Tablet Press

    Rotary tablet press is becoming an inevitable equipment to deal with the manufacturing of tablets due to its quick, efficient, and safe functioning. You may be curious to know more about its benefits, working, classification, and installation etc. That's why we have come up with this informative review to answer all of your queries regarding a rotary tablet press. So, let's come to the point and begin exploring these all!

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      1.What Is A Rotary Tablet Press?

      A Rotary Tablet Press

      Allpack- Rotary tablet press machine ZP-5B

      Rotary tablet press refers to an advanced machine tailored with astonishing features to produce tablets by compressing powder and granules. It uses double punch system to effectively press tablets at relatively high speed. The machine is capable of processing different types of tablets in various industries including pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industry etc.

      It works by taking powder from hopper into die cavities after which the compression of upper and lower punch at same speed take place. It resultantly produces uniform and consistent tablets. While pressing tablets, the machine takes care of the hygiene of stuff as being made from quality stainless steel body.

      2.Write Down The Features Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      You might be thinking about the features which make a rotary tablet press must have equipment in your business. So, let's know few of the notable ones!

      High Throughput

      Compared to single punch tablet press, rotary tablet press has extremely high throughput due to its multi-station turret. That's why, it can produce thousands of tablets in an hour.

      Automatic Technology

      Automatic Technology

      Automatic technology of rotary tablet press- Picture Courtesy:

      Rotary tablet press has high automation level as a result of which it can perform multiple tasks of powder weighing, tablets pressing, rejection, and formed tablets ejection etc. Hence, it is highly efficient which is why it saves on your time and human labor.

      Enclosed Structure

      Enclosed Structure

      Enclosed structure of rotary tablet press

      The machine is a perfect manifestation of quality material. All its contact parts are being made with safe stainless steel which do not allow any adverse reaction even after contacting chemical formulation. Moreover, the transport protection window around the working chamber is allowing user to observe the operation easily while as restricting environmental elements.

      High Accuracy

      High Accuracy

      Accurately compressed tablets- Picture Courtesy: Freepik

      Rotary tablet press has designed with quality punching tools which is essential for formulating precise tablets. Together with the application of uniform pressure by upper and lower punch, they produce uniform, solid, and smooth tablets by reducing the errors such as sticking, capping, and chipping etc.


      This machine is highly user-friendly with its compact body which is easy to mobilize and adjust. In addition to it, the machine has an intuitive human machine interface which simply enable operator to set commands in it and the rest of operation will be carried out by the machine itself.



      Variety of compressed tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Rotary tablet press is versatile enough to process tablets with different particles size and ratio. Moreover, by changing die cavities and punches, you can make tablets of different sizes and shapes by using the same machine.

      3.What Type Of Tablets Can Be Made By Using A Rotary Tablet Press?

      When it comes to highlight the tablets variety being supported by a rotary tablet press, a long list will be the answer. Since, discussing each of them is not worthwhile, a precise but comprehensive description has been provided to get you to the point:

      Tablet Types
      Candy Tablets

      Candy Tablets

      CBD candy boxes- Picture Courtesy:

      Candy tablet is a form of confectionery which is made from enticing flavors along with vibrant colors and sugar as a main ingredient. They are consumed as snacks like gummy and chocolate etc. To Make these candy tablets, a rotary tablet press is perfectly applicable.
      Medicated Tablets

      Medicated Tablets

      Six oval white medication pills- Picture Courtesy:

      Tablet is the most popular dosage form being practiced in medical industry. Whether producing pharmaceutical, nutraceucal, or herbal tablets, this machine is suitable to be used.
      Chlorine Tablets

      Chlorine Tablets

      Drinking water safe chlorine tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Chlorine tablets are disinfectant tablets commonly used for cleaning water and disinfecting the floor of houses and hospitals. They come in small to large size and can be easily made by using a rotary tablet press.
      Effervescent Tablets

      Effervescent Tablets

      Effervescent tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Effervescent tablets are large size tablets with sodium bicarbonate as a principal ingredient. These tablets release carbon dioxide upon contacting with water to support quick disintegration. Despite their distinct specifications, a rotary tablet press is reliable machine for pressing effervescent tablets.
      Tablet Layers
      Single Layer Tablets

      Single Layer Tablets

      Single layer tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Single layer tablet is the common form of tablets which we use in our daily life when suffering from fever or flue etc. Such type of tablets have only single form of mixture. So, you can use this machine to make such tablets.
      Double Layer Tablets

      Double Layer Tablets

      Bilayer tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      As the title illustrates, double layer tablets consist of two separate formulations being gathered in form of a single tablet by using a rotary tablet press.
      Triple Layer Tablets

      Triple Layer Tablets

      Triple layer tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Triple layer tablets are rare form of tablets with resembling three separate sections each holding a different solution as well as color. They are famous in confectionery and pharmaceutical industry.
      Tablet Shapes
      Multiple Tablet Shapes

      Multiple Tablet Shapes

      Multiple shapes for tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Rotary tablet press can make tablets of various shapes including round, oblong, oval, triangle, square, trapezium, and others.

      4.Explain The General Working Principles Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      Now, let's talk about the general working principles of a rotary tablet press which are easy to understand and employ practically. These include:

      Working Principles Of A Rotary Tablet Press

      Machine Setting

      Before you start your rotary tablet press, it is significant to set its structural tooling as well as the parameters setting. Fix the pressure to be exerted during compression and the amount of powder mixture to be taken for each tablet.

      Mixture Loading

      Once the setting is done, you can load the hopper of machine with bulk of mixture so as to enable the machine to work smoothly throughout operation. Depending upon the machine type, like in case of bilayer and triple layer tablets, you need to load different mixtures in separate hoppers located in the machine.

      Mixture Filling

      Mixture Filling

      Mixture Filling- Picture Courtesy:

      Now, you can start the machine for the execution of commands you have settled in. After switching it on, the machine will start taking the powder or granulated mixture from hopper towards rotary turret where it is poured into dies. The lower punches move downward and the upper punches move upward to create cavity in dies. In this way, the die cavities are filled with mixture.

      Pre Compression

      Pre Compression

      Pre Compression- Picture Courtesy:

      Once the filling stage is completed, compression stage begins. The first compression stage is called pre compression where a little pressure by upper punches is applied to the mixture laying in die cavities. Its purpose is to create a slug by removing the presence of void and air pockets in order to make uniform tablets.

      Main Compression

      Main Compression

      Main Compression- Picture Courtesy:

      After pre compression, the upper punches exert immense force on the slug which result into the creation of hard and uniform tablets. This stage is known as main compression as the mixture is turned into a compact tablet form.

      Tablets Ejection

      Tablets Ejection

      Tablets ejection- Picture Courtesy:

      At the end, compressed tablets are supposed to be ejected out of the machine. For this, upper punches move backward and lower punches move upward taking the compressed tablets to discharge station. Here, with the help of a scrapper, tablets are one by one discharged through chute.

      5.Describe The Structure Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      The structure of a rotary tablet press is compact with multiple components. Together they enable the machine to work smoothly. Some of the core components are described below:

      Structure Of A Rotary Tablet Press

      Components of Allpack ZP25 effervescent rotary tablet press machine


      Hopper is stainless steel container located on the top of rotary tablet press. It is used to hold and supply the machine with powder or granulated mixture required for tablets formulation. Inside hopper has a mechanism to control the flow of material. It can be vibratory or auger depending upon the mixture specifications.

      Stainless Steel Body

      The body of machine is made up of quality stainless steel which is corrosion resistant to avoid cross contamination. The main frame is also consisting of a stainless steel material and all other components are attached to it.

      Rotary Table

      Rotary table or working chamber is the core part of a rotary tablet press. It consists of several other components which enable the machine to perform its actual function. These include:

      Punches:Punches are integral part of the rotary tablet press. They are made from durable stainless steel with special tip to meet the tablets' specific shapes and sizes. Each punches set consists of a lower punch and upper punch. Between these two punches, powder is compressed into tablets by use of force.

      Dies:Dies are rigid tools having inside them the holes of particular shape where the lower and upper punches meet in order to compress powder. They are instrumental in shaping the structure, size as well as the thickness of tablets. Hence, they require regular maintenance and cleaning.

      Cam Tracks:These are small, curved grooves which play their important role in guiding upper and lower punches during tablets compression. For instance, they raise upper punches for allowing mixture to get into die cavity during filling. Similarly, with the help of cam tracks, punches come together for compression and separate apart for ejection.

      Turret:Turret is a rotary plate which accommodate punches, dies, and cam tracks. It is considered the invaluable part of rotary tablet press. Moreover, due to its distinct role and round structure, turret carries enable the machine to carry out its function by performing mixture filling, tablets compression, and ejection through taking intervals during operation.

      Compression Rolls

      Compression rolls are among other important tools. They include pre compression rolls which apply less pressure and main compression rolls for releasing high force to get the desired tablets.

      Organic Glass

      It refers to the transparent window which surrounds the rotary working table. It is helpful in allowing operator to observe the operation without contacting it and providing safe environment for tablets formulation.

      Operation Penal

      As the name indicates, operation penal is a part of rotary tablet press where multiple knobs along with intuitive human machine interface are located to control and operate machine.

      Emergency Stop

      The machine has a large size red color button situated on its front to deal with sudden breakdowns and emergency.

      Discharge Chute

      It is a stainless steel device attached to the rotary turret for discharging the compressed tablets.

      Adjusting Handle

      Depending upon the type of rotary tablet press, it has number of adjusting handles which are used for changing the force of compression rolls.

      Electric Appliance Box

      It is an electric enclosure that encases electrical wires, fuses, and other circuits inside it.

      6.What Is The Classification Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      Rotary tablet press can be classified into different types. In this way, details given below will be helpful:

      Classification Of A Rotary Tablet Press

      According to Model

      High Speed Rotary Tablet Press

      High Speed Rotary Tablet Press

      Allpack- High speed high capacity GZPS660 series western medicine pill making rotary tablet press machine

      This high speed rotary tablet press by Allpack is the most updated model of rotary tablet press with extremely high output ratio up to 675,000 tablets per hour. It has a big touch screen computer display which allows for easy interaction of operator. Moreover, the machine support integration of other machines like tablets deduster, tablets sorting machine, and coating machine etc. It is perfectly suitable for large and extra large industries in every sector.


      The body of machine is highly robust and a bit comprehensive which is holding inside its body all the other components. The major parts include a stainless steel body, touch screen penal, light indicators, waste rejector, pressure sensor, impeller type force feeder, and working chamber etc.

      Working Principles

      It works automatically by taking mixture from hopper and processing it through filling, metering, compression, and ultimately ejection stage.

      Mini Rotary Tablet Press

      Mini Rotary Tablet Press

      MiniPress II Fully Automated Rotary Tablet Press- Picture Courtesy:

      Mini rotary tablet press is an advanced machine with updated technology to efficiently compress tablets. It is suitable to deal with medium scale production. The machine has good output by producing up to 77,000 tablets in an hour. It is fully automatic in technology and is perfect for laboratories, research centers, and small to medium pharmacies.


      The structure of machine is durable and precise with many parts including a robust body, material hopper, operation chamber, control panel, adjustment tools, and electric cabinet etc.

      Working Principles

      It follows simple working principles by functioning independently once settled by operator. Hence, it carries out task by material filling into dies, compressing them, and ejecting them out of the machine.

      According to Sides

      Single Side Rotary Tablet Press

      Single Side Rotary Tablet Press

      Single Sided Square GMP Mini Tablet Press- Picture Courtesy:

      As the name display, this type of machine has a single side to form tablets. That's why, it is cost-effective and has simple operational procedure. With single hopper and working chamber, it can compress up to 40,000 tablets in an hour. Hence, it is reliable for medium size volume.


      The machine consists of several components including a compact body, control unit, electric cabinet, single hopper, uni turret, adjustment tools, and glass windows etc.

      Working Principles

      It simply works by using single hopper for filling the die cavities with mixture and then allowing punches to compress the powder. Afterwards, the compressed tablets are discharged from the machine through a chute.

      Double Side Rotary Tablet Press

      Double Side Rotary Tablet Press

      Double Sided High Speed Rotary Tablet Press- Picture Courtesy:

      Double sided rotary tablet press is an efficient machine with dual chamber for tablets compression. It can deal with even higher number of tablets that's why its production output reaches up to 3,38,400 per hour. Hence, for excessive workload areas, this machine is the ever-best choice.


      The machine has relatively complex structure with dual hopper, dual rotary turret, adjusting handles, control system, and main frame etc.

      Working Principles

      Its working principles are similar to that of other machines; however, it only differs in a way that it processes two turrets at same time. The upper one gets mixture from hopper location on one side while as the lower turret takes mixture from the hopper of other side. Similarly, both these chambers undergo filling, compression, and ejection stage.

      7.Highlight The Applications Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      Rotary tablet press has wide applications in numerous sectors including:

      Confectionery Industry

      Confectionery Industry

      Milk tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      Confectionery industry is constantly engaged in making fruit flavored tablets, milk tablets, sour tablets, and other powder or granulated tablets. For their manufacturing, a rotary tablet press is used by manufacturers on industrial level. It can beautifully create single layer, bilayer, and triple layer colorful tablets.

      Pharmaceutical Industry

      Pharmaceutical Industry

      Pharmaceutical tablets & capsules- Picture Courtesy:

      Another most notable application of a rotary tablet press is pharmaceutical industry where the production and processing of millions of tablets is carried out on daily basis. Hence, meeting such giant production target is only the ability of a rotary tablet press.

      Supplement Industry

      Supplement Industry

      Supplement tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      The time has gone when people used to rely only on conventional medication for their treatment. Now, with advancements in technology and growing concern about health has shifted the focus more on taking nutraceutical supplements for being rich in protein, vitamin, and minerals with almost no side effects. Hence, they are often delivered in form of tablets and pills for which this machine is employed.

      Pet Care Industry

      Pet Care Industry

      Doctor holding pets in hand- Picture Courtesy:

      The use of drugs especially tablets is not also rare in pet care industry. Similarly, to treat the vary illnesses of animals, medication is often enclosed in tablets for which the help of a rotary tablet press is taken.

      Chemical Industry

      Chemical Industry

      Jumbo chlorine tablets- Picture Courtesy:

      The use of a rotary tablet press can also be found in chemical sector where pesticides, detergent, and disinfectants are delivered in form of tablets. Hence, to reduce their negative effects while producing, the enclosed structure of this machine is worthwhile.

      8.What Quality Standards Should A Rotary Tablet Press Meet With?

      As a rotary tablet press is made for the processing of tablets, it must be the product of highest quality material. Now, you may be thinking how to confirm whether a rotary tablet press is of quality material or not. For this, you need to check its certifications by certain quality standards including:

      Quality Standards

      ISO quality standard- Picture Courtesy:

      International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

      ISO is an international organization established for ensuring that all the goods and equipment which are made for food and drugs should be safe. Therefore, it is obligatory for every rotary tablet press to be certified by ISO.

      Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

      GMP is another notable quality standard formed for controlling the manufacturing and processing of products to make sure they are made from good material. 304, 314, and 316 stainless steel are among the GMP's regulations for making rotary tablet press.

      Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

      FDA is American agency created for the purpose of ensuring public health and safety by establishing principles for industries to meet while producing their machines. Thus, a rotary tablet press should meet its standards.

      Conformate European (CE)

      CE is the certification mark of European Union. Therefore, if any country wants to sell their products in European Union countries or if the member state aim to produce their own machine, then they must possess this mark which comes with adhering their health and environmental safety policies.

      9.What Are The Future Trends For A Rotary Tablet Press?

      Future Trends For A Rotary Tablet Press

      Future trends illustration- Picture Courtesy:

      The future trends for rotary tablet press are prosperous for the reason that tablets have not been replaced by any other dosage form up till now. Despite the growing popularity of gummies, oral strips, and softgels, tablets are still the most convenient and cost-effective dosage form.

      Its significance can also be seen by the introduction of updated rotary tablet presses and the expected growth of rotary tablet press market to reach XX.X USD billion by 2031. Moreover, the available customization options, wide applications, and updated technology has enhanced its appeal which is becoming the reason why producers from different sectors are looking forward for its use.

      10.How To Maintain Your Rotary Tablet Press For Effective Working?

      Once bring into operation, rotary tablet press must be maintained on regular basis for ensuring its fluent and non-stop functioning. The underlying explanation will help you in conducting sound maintenance of your rotary tablet press:

      Maintenance program

      Maintenance program icon- Picture Courtesy:

      Cleaning:Cleaning is very important for rotary tablet press as it has to deal with mixture of different nature. So, each time when you are done with one type of tablets compression make sure to clean your machine. Remove out all the debris, dust, and pollution accumulated on the vary parts of machine.

      Parts Replacement:In case of parts damage or wear and tear, it is eminent to take notice of them and timely replace them with new ones to avoid material damage and machine performance.

      Greasing:Add lubrication oil to the moving parts of machine as it will reduce the chances of parts breakdown and possible friction which might cause inefficiencies of machine.

      Adjustment:Inspect your machine on regular basis. In case you notice unusual voice or abnormal part then quickly stop machine and adjust the parts to be on right place. In addition to it, setting of parameters like dwell time, mixture amount, and tablets size must be modified before starting operation.

      11.Diagnose The Spontaneous Errors Of A Rotary Tablet Press?

      Like any other machine, rotary tablet press may also display some sudden errors. So, no need to worry about that. Just follow the upcoming guidelines to tackle these issues easily by your own!

      Tablets capping


      Tablets capping- Picture Courtesy:

      It occurs when the compression phase has just completed, and the formed tablet gets stick to upper punch and get cracked.


      It may be due to air which is trapped inside the die cavity.

      The mixture is not prepared well or mixed.

      Lack of binding agent cause dryness in mixture causing tablets to fall apart.


      It can be solved by extending the dwell timing of pre compression phase.

      Prepare the mixture properly before using it for compression.

      Add binders to the mixture and process it in fluid bed dryer to create adhesiveness in mixture.

      Tablets sticking and picking

      Tablets sticking and picking

      Tablets sticking

      It refers to situation when the top of tablets usually logo place get stick to punches.


      It happens when the mixture is not dried properly due to which it sticks to punch tip.

      Another reason can be a minor issue in punches head.


      Make sure to give proper timing to mixture for drying during preparation.

      To avoid sticking and picking, polish the punch head.

      Tablets lamination

      Tablets lamination

      Tablets lamination- Picture Courtesy:

      Tablets lamination occurs when tablets get cracked other than top.


      Mostly, this is due to the over compression which restrict particles of mixture to bind together.

      The shallower depth of punches also causes tablets lamination.


      Reduce the compression force to resolve the issue.

      Change the punches and use ones with relatively even surface and different shapes like square and circle etc.

      Tablets breakage

      Tablets breakage

      Tablets breakage- Picture Courtesy:

      It means that tablets are extremely friable and prone to breakage causing problems in handling.


      First reason is the low amount of stabilizers and emulsifiers.

      Second cause is the too much pressure being exerted during compression.

      Third reason is the large particles in mixture.


      Add sufficient amount of binders to make uniform tablets formula.

      Reduce the pressure to suitable level to avoid tablets breakage.

      Make sure to breakdown the particles and granules of mixture where they can easily stick together when pressure is applied.

      12.Factors To Consider When Buying A Rotary Tablet Press?

      When buying a rotary tablet press you may get puzzled in multiple questions and get confused to opt for which one. Hence, we have come up with this question to address your queries and present some valuable factors for making sound purchase. These are as follows:

      Production Volume

      First you need to examine your current production volume and then decide what machine will be suitable for your. If you are running medium size production facility then single side rotary tablet press or mini rotary tablet press will be a better choice. However, in case of large industry, going for advanced high speed rotary tablet press will help you increase your production.

      Type of Tooling

      Type of Tooling

      Rotary tablet press dies & punches tooling- Picture Courtesy:

      As rotary tablet press has a set of tooling, die and punches, which is its integral part, it is crucial to have awareness about each type. Similarly, you need to choose the right tooling system for your rotary tablet press among B, D, BB, and DB tooling.

      Specific Features

      Specific Features

      Features icon- Picture Courtesy:

      Each machine has specific features like fun extraction mechanism, safety guards, and controlling system. So, if you want to have all the safety features available in your rotary tablet press then opt for the most updated machine. Otherwise, choosing ordinary model will have a low economic burden.

      Quality Assurance

      Quality Assurance

      Quality assurance icon- Picture Courtesy:

      Quality assurance is a factor that must be paid heed. After all you are spending your good amount of money and that's your right as well as responsibility to choose the supplier with expertise in the field, customer support and warranty policy for the machine you are going to purchase.


      The bottom line is that a Rotary Tablet Press is a fundamental equipment of pharmaceutical industry and now food as well as chemical industry. Clear understanding of its features, working process, tooling system, and structure are valuable to make the best use of it. All these simply require your attention and eagerness to gain relevant information which has been provided above. Now, when you have known almost everything about a rotary tablet press, what is your next step? Are you planning to buy the machine? If yes! Then contact us now to present you top class machines offered by Allpack!

      Don't forget to share this post!


      Tell us your raw material and project budget to get quotations within 24 hours.

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      Rotary Tablet Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »

      Pharmaceutical Tablet Production+

      Pharmaceutical Tablet Production 5 Expert Tips And 10 Key Steps

      Pharmaceutical Tablet Production 5 Expert Tips And 10 Key Steps

      As the pharmaceutical industry continues to develop and improve, pharmaceutical equipment and machines are also constantly updated, such as tablet presses, granulators, dryers and mixers. In particular, the pharmaceutical industry has maintained continuous expansion and steady growth from 2019 to 2024.


      Pharmaceutical Tablet Production-sourced: geminipharm

      So, what are the key expert tips for your pharmaceutical tablet production and manufacturing? What are their key steps for you to apply and ensure with good pharmaceutical tablets production effects? How to avoid the pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing common defects? Follow the post below and you may find out in the end.

        Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

        1.What Are The Common Methods For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        Tablets are a common type of pharmaceutical dosage form. They are usually made by pressing powder into a solid dosage form. There are three different methods for you to make your own tablets:

        Direct Compression


        Direct Compression-sourced: pharma-food

        The direct compression is the simplest and most economical tablet making process. The powder is compressed into tablets by changing its physical properties. This is a common solution for tablet production in the pharmaceutical industry.

        Direct Compression Process:


        Direct Compression Process-sourced: achievechem

        Grind and sieve drug powder and granules;

        Uniformly mix drug powder, excipient disintegrant and lubricant;

        Apply the direct compression;

        Wet Granulation


        Wet Granulation-sourced: sciencedirect

        The wet granulation is a common method for tablet production. Its production process mainly involves making powder into granules through mixing, wetting, wet massing stage, drying and shaping. This wet granulation can basically meet all tablet formation requirements.

        Wet Granulation Process:


        Wet Granulation Process-sourced: biorender

        Weigh and grind the powder, and mix it evenly with the active pharmaceutical ingredient and powdered excipients;

        Prepare the binder solution;

        Mix the binder solution with the powder to form a wet mass;

        Wet sieve the wet powder into pills or granules through a sieve;

        Dry the sieved granules;

        Mix the dried granules with lubricants and disintegrants;

        Finally, press the processed granules into tablets;

        Dry Granulation


        Dry Granulation-sourced: researchgate

        The production process of dry granulation is similar to the principle of wet granulation, both of which make granular powder into tablets by weighing, mixing, tableting, dry sieving, lubrication and granulation pressing. Dry granulation is usually used when tablet excipients have sufficient inherent cohesiveness.

        Dry Granulation Process:


        Dry Granulation Process-sourced: slideplayer

        Grind, weigh and uniformly mix drug powder and excipients according to the formula;

        Press the mixed powder into blocks;

        Sieve the block granules through a grinder and sifter;

        Re-press the sieved granules into tablets;

        2.What Are The Goals For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        During the pharmaceutical production process, there are some goals you need to meet:



        Durability-sourced: generationnutra

        When you are manufacturing the pharmaceutical tablets, it is very important to make the tablets durable enough to withstand mechanical impacts during production, packaging, transportation and distribution. Tablets must be durable, chemically and physically stable.

        Consistent Weight


        Consistent Weight-sourced: lubrizol

        Manufacturing tablets with consistent weight and uniform drug content can ensure high bioavailability and stable drug efficacy in the tablets.

        Exquisite Appearance


        Exquisite Appearance-sourced: verywellhealth

        If the appearance of the tablet is too rough, it will lead to low patient compliance and is not conducive to subsequent digestion and absorption. It is crucial to manufacture flawless and exquisite products.

        3.What Are The 5 Expert Tips For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        There are 5 expert tips during your pharmaceutical tablet production:

        Uniformly Mixed Binders


        Uniformly Mixed Binders-sourced: tdptabletpresses

        Binders are one of the important ingredients that are indispensable for the physical form of tablets. Without binders, the particles cannot agglomerate. Depending on your formulation, you can choose wet binders or dry binders. And mix the binders with the materials fully and evenly in the right proportions and steps.

        Using Punches and Dies


        Using Punches and Dies-sourced: aimspharmaengineering

        Before the powder is pressed into tablets of appropriate shape, you can design your tablet size, shape and imprint, and then choose the appropriate die and punch.

        Proper Pressure

        During the compression process, the tablet may have different tablet states due to different pressures. You can use automatic and manual tablet presses to apply different kinds of pressure. Manual tablet presses are manually operated and may apply uneven pressure.

        Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Stability

        The most common tablet manufacturing process technologies today are wet granulation, dry granulation and direct compression. However, the physical and chemical stability of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in the drug affects manufacturing.

        Weight Control


        Weight Control-sourced: goodrx

        If the weight during tablet manufacturing is too high or too low, it will directly affect the stability of the active ingredients in the drug. Good weight control of tablet weight and drug uniformity helps optimize compression ratios, thereby balancing weight and reducing deformation.

        4.What Are The 10 Key Steps For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        Here are some key steps for your pharmaceutical tablet production:


        Key Steps For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production-sourced: pharmaguideline

        Step 1: Formulation Development

        Tablet production begins with formulation development. Different tablets have different efficacy and effects. You need perform careful research and experiments to test the active ingredients, dosage, stability and release profile to ensure the efficacy and safety of the tablet.

        Step 2: Tablet Design

        The design of the tablet includes the content of the drug, the design of the shape, size and imprint. It is very important that the correct tablet design can achieve the desired dosage form tolerance. Uneven break lines may cause fluctuations in the dosage.

        Step 3: Shaping

        Reduce the size of the ingredients by grinding, crushing, pulverizing or mixing drug powders and granules. When the ingredients are similar in size, it is easier and more uniform to mix them or compress them into tablets.

        Step 4: Material Distribution

        Material distribution is the most critical stage in the tablet manufacturing process. It requires professional monitoring. Each active substance needs to be accurately weighed according to the dosage. Therefore, reducing the size of the particles is necessary to improve the flow properties and easy mixing of the particles.

        Step 5: Granulation

        Granulation refers to the process of converting powder ingredients into granules. It can increase the particle size by firmly sticking the particles together. By utilizing a high shear granulator, the powder can be quickly mixed and granulated using a wet or dry method, resulting in particles with better flowability, compressibility.

        Step 6: Blending

        Uniformly mixing the drug powder and active substance ensures uniformity and uniformity of the granules. By using a blender and mixer, the dosage of various drug ingredients can be accurately measured and controlled to ensure that each tablet contains the expected amount of active ingredient.

        Step 7: Drying

        The uniformly mixed granules need to be dried at a high temperature of 550 degrees Celsius in a liquid bed dryer. This step is usually done using a cryogenic vacuum pump immediately after filtration or centrifugation.

        Step 8: Direct Decompression

        During the tablet compression process, the granules are pressed into various shapes, including round, oval, rectangular, and other shapes. Any additional symbols or code numbers can be engraved on the tablets. In this process, you need carefully control the compression force and speed to obtain tablets of the desired hardness, thickness.

        Step 9: Tablet Coating

        Tablet coating can eliminate unpleasant taste. Through this step, the tablet can be made colorful and beautiful. Some functional coatings can protect active ingredients from environmental factors and improve patient compliance.

        Step 10: Tablet Packaging

        Tablet packaging is the last step in pharmaceutical tablets production. Through blister, box, bottle packaging, tablets can be protected during storage, transportation and distribution. The packaging materials you use should be tamper-proof, child-resistant (if required), and provide appropriate labeling, etc.

        5.What Are The 6Types Of Equipment For Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        There are many types of pharmaceutical tablet machines, and the following mainly introduces 7 types for you. It includes:

        Crusher Machines


        ALLPACK Crusher Machines

        Crusher machines can be applied for crushing soft and hard drug powders and granules into smaller and even size in pharmaceutical, food and chemical industry. Common crushing equipment in tablet manufacturing includes hammer crusher, vibration crusher, pin crusher, etc.



        ALLPACK Granulators

        Granulators are used in tablet manufacturing to create wet or dry tablet granules. This equipment can improve the flow properties of powders by increasing particle size. The types of granulators are fluid bed granulators, rapid mixer granulator, dry granulator, high shear granulator, oscillating granulator, and drying granulator.



        ALLPACK Blenders

        Tablet manufacturing requires the use of a variety of blending equipment to accurately mix powders and various ingredients. The most common pharmaceutical blenders include double cone blender, octagonal blender, V blender, bin blender, ribbon blender, mass blender, etc.

        Drying Equipment

        Fluid Bed Drier

        Fluid Bed Drier-sourced: gmp-machine

        During pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing, drying equipment can reduce the moisture content of drug powders and granules. The common machines used for drying tablets include spray dryers, rotary dryers, and fluidized bed dryers.

        Tablet Press Machine


        ALLPACK Tablet Press

        Tablet press machine can compress drug powder into tablets of uniform shape, size, and weight. You can use high-speed rotary tablet press and multi-layer rotary tablet press for high-quality tablet compression. Tablet press machines types are manual type, semi-automatic type, and automatic type.

        Coating Machines


        ALLPACK Coating Machines

        In the pharmaceutical industry, coating machines can cover the surface of tablets with a thin coating solution to mask the smell and taste of the tablets. There are both semi-automatic type and automatic type.

        6.What Are The Common Defects During Your Pharmaceutical Tablet Production?

        A good quality tablet should not have any visual or functional defects. During the tablet manufacturing process, various problems may be encountered.

        The tablet common defects are:

        Tablet Defects Image Description
        Capping Tablet-Capping

        Tablet Capping-sourced: scientistlive

        l Improper coating may result in tablet breakage or ridges in the coating;
        Lamination Tablet-Lamination

        Tablet Lamination-sourced: sciencedirect

        l Refers to the separation of a tablet into two or more distinct horizontal layers;
        Chipping Tablet-Chipping

        Tablet Chipping-sourced: ipharmachine

        l The breaking of tablet edges. It causes from sticking on punches faces, or the granules are too dry;
        Binding Tablet-Binding

        Tablet Binding-sourced: pharmaguideline

        l Due to more amount of binder in the granules or wet granules;
        Cracking Tablet-Cracking

        Tablet Cracking-sourced: colorcon

        l Small, fine cracks on the upper and lower central surface of tablets;
        Sticking Tablet-Sticking

        Tablet Sticking-sourced: tablettingscience

        l The tablet material adhering to the die wall;
        Picking Tablet-Picking

        Tablet Picking-sourced: colorcon

        l The tablet material sticks to the tablet-surface by a punch face;
        Mottling Tablet-Mottling

        Tablet Mottling-sourced: tech-publish

        l The unequal distribution of colour on a tablet;
        Blooming Tablet-Blooming

        Tablet Blooming-sourced: tech-publish

        l Refers to the coating is dull immediately or after prolonged storage at high temperature;

        Causes and remedies for tablet common defects:

        Tablet Defects Causes Remedies
        Capping Too much fines in the granulation;

        Granules are not thoroughly dried;

        insufficient binder or improper binder;

        Tablet contents are too dry or low moisture;

        You shall remove some or all fines through 100 to 200 mesh screen;

        Dry the granules properly;

        Increase the amount of binder;

        Lamination Too much oily or waxy materials in granules;

        Too much of hydrophobic lubricant;

        You shall modify the mixing process or add adsorbent;

        Apply less amount of lubricant or change the type of lubricant;

        Chipping Tablet materials sticks on the punch faces;

        There are too many dry granules;

        Too much binding causes chipping at the bottom;

        You can dry the granules properly or increase the lubrication;

        Moisten the granules to plasticize;

        Cracking Granule sizes are too large;

        Granules are too dry;

        The temperature of granulation is too low;

        Reduce the granule sizes;

        Moisten the granules properly;

        Add proper amount of binder;

        Sticking Granules are not dried properly;

        Too less or improper lubrication;

        Granules are too soft or weak;

        Dry the granules properly;

        Increase or change the lubricant;

        Reduce the amount of binder;

        Picking Low melting point substances;

        Too warm granules when compressing;

        Excessive moisture in granules;

        Dry the granules properly;

        Cool sufficiently before compression;

        Change the type or use dry binders;

        Mottling Improper mixing of a color binder solution;

        Improperly mixed dye;

        Use appropriate colorants;

        Change the solvent system;

        Blooming High concentration;

        Low molecular weight of plasticizer;

        Decrease plasticizer concentration;

        Increase molecular weight of plasticizer;


        Pharmaceutical tablet production Involves a complex series of steps. If you want to complete your own pharmaceutical tablet production and manufacturing only following the 5 expert tips and 10 key points from the post, it is not enough. If you want to perfect your pharmaceutical tablet production, please contact us now!

        Don't forget to share this post!

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        Tell us your raw material and project budget to get quotations within 24 hours.

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        Pharmaceutical Tablet Production 5 Expert Tips And 10 Key Steps Read More »

        Single Punch Tablet Machine-6

        Single Punch Tablet Machine:The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

        Single Punch Tablet Machine:The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

        Does your tablet production efficiency need to be increased? Are you trying to manufacture tablets with accuracy and uniformity in mind? Are you looking for a way to save costs without sacrificing quality? You are at the correct spot if you answered "yes" to any of these questions.

        Single Punch Tablet Machine

        A single-punch tablet machine is an economical yet reliable and efficient equipment you should consider for your business, whether you own a pharmaceutical, food, or chemical production industry.

        In this article, we will guide you through the complex world of tablet production equipment, enabling you to make wise choices at every turn. We will break down the important factors you should have in mind before making a purchase.

        From understanding the basics about the single-punch tablet machine to assessing your needs and budget – we have got you covered. After going through this article, you will have all the necessary information and self-assurance to select an ideal single-punch tablet machine that complies with your needs and budget.

        So, let’s dive into the topic together. Your ultimate solution of efficient and cost-effective tablet manufacturing is waiting for you!

          Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

          1.What is a single-punch tablet machine?

          a single-punch tablet machine

          AiPak Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine

          A single-punch tablet machine is an earlier innovation in tablet manufacturing. It is industrial equipment employed across various sectors for the formulation of tablets. With the technological growth, it has also evolved over the years.

          The device is utilized in several industries offering a great number of benefits, particularly for small enterprises and laboratories. It has a simple structural design with fewer components and an easy operation of compressing granular or powdered matter into a compact structured tablet with uniform characteristics (shape, size, and weight).

          It is a reliable, efficient, and economical solution for tablet manufacturing without degrading its quality and handling various materials. It is an indispensable device for a small-scale industry whether it is pharmaceuticals, food, or chemicals.

          2.What are the industries that can utilize a single-punch tablet machine?

          The single-punch tablet machine is a must-have device for many industries, boosting their production efficiency. It is employed across numerous industries for different purposes and items. Some of the industries that often utilize the single-punch tablet machine are;



          Applications in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Picture Courtesy: IFLScience

          If you run a small manufacturing industry and have a low to medium level of production capacity then a single-punch tablet machine can benefit you a lot.

          A single-punch tablet machine can be employed in the pharmaceutical industry to produce a variety of tablets with uniform size, weight, and density.



          Candy Tablets – Picture Courtesy: Candy Warehouse

          The device can have several applications in the confectionery industry, as it can process different powdered food materials into compact elegant-looking tablet forms.



          Applications in the Nutraceutical Industry – Picture Courtesy: Runner’s World

          The single-punch tablet machine can also be employed in processing nutraceutical materials such as vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements into various forms of desired tablets.



          Applications in the Chemical Industry

          The production of various chemical tablets from powdered or granular materials in the laboratory or small-scale industry can be done using a single-punch tablet machine.



          Beauty Tablets – Picture Courtesy: Whole Store

          In the cosmetic industry, certain materials need to be compressed into tablet form for better applications. For such purpose, a single-punch tablet machine can be employed which is an economical yet efficient and consistent device.

          3.What are the benefits that one can have by investing in a single-punch tablet machine?

          Are you wondering about the benefits that a single-punch tablet machine can offer to you? Don’t fret out! Here you will find how considering a single-punch tablet machine for your business can benefit you. So without any further delay, let’s go;

          Small Size

          Small Size

          Small Size Occupying Less Space

          A single-punch tablet machine has a simple and compact design and occupies less space, which is beneficial for small-scale manufacturing.

          Operational Ease

          Operational Ease

          The Device is easy to Operate – Picture Courtesy: Lab Asia

          With fewer components in its structure, a single-punch tablet machine has an easy operational procedure, requiring no trained personnel.

          Low Noise

          Low Noise

          Low Noise Generation

          The device has only a couple of moving parts, aiding in less production of noise.

          Diverse Manufacturing

          Diverse Manufacturing

          Manufacturing Versatility – Picture Courtesy: The Economic Times

          One of the interesting advantages of a single-punch tablet machine is its flexibility in the fabrication of various shapes and sizes of pills. You need to change the tooling of the equipment to get the desired tablet’s form.



          Efficient and Quality Production – Picture Courtesy: The FDA Group

          The single-punch tablet machine is an efficient operational equipment, resulting in the efficient fabrication of tablets with consistent results. It can operate at a good speed and can produce 80 to 200 tablets each minute.



          Low Price, High Value Device – Picture Courtesy: Precision Machine Shop

          If you want to boost your tablet production but the problem is your budget. Don’t worry, the single-punch tablet machine is comparatively a less expensive device and there are many variants available you can opt for based on your budget.

          Maintenance Ease

          Maintenance Ease

          Easy to Maintain – Picture Courtesy: YG Engineering Machinery

          Being simpler in structure, a single-punch tablet machine can be maintained and cleaned easily with no complex structured component involved in the design.

          4.Describe the fundamental parts of a single-punch tablet machine.

          fundamental parts of a single-punch tablet machine

          Parts of Single Punch Tablet Machine

          The single-punch tablet machine has a compact and simple structural design. It has fewer components working together to manufacture tablets. The basic components of a single-punch tablet machine are;

          Hand Crank Handle

          It is a manual control mechanism utilized to operate the process manually by applying force to the upper punch.

          Loading Cup

          It is also known as a feeding cup or hopper. It is the component from where the raw material is introduced into the machine. Its capacity depends on the design and size.

          Feed Shoe

          This is a connecting link between the die and hopper. It directs and regulates the material into the dies from the hopper.

          Pressure Regulator

          This component is used to regulate the exerting pressure by the upper punch on the material within the die pocket.

          Eccentric Cam

          It is the component that converts the spinning motion to the linear motion. It is connected to the hand crank handle and facilitates the downward movement of the upper punch.

          Die Table

          This part holds the die firm in place to withstand the punch pressure properly without any tumble.


          This is one of the core parts of the device. It contains a cavity known as the die pocket/cavity. The cavity comes in various shapes and depths. It provides the space for the material to be pressed by the punches.

          Upper Punch

          It is the component that exerts the necessary pressure on the powder mixture. It is the part that is responsible for compacting the powder into the desired tablet shape.


          Lower Punch

          It is another important tool, responsible for tablet thickness and ejection. It remains stationary during the compression phase.


          It is the bottom part of the device holding it firm and stable during the process.

          Safety Mask

          It is a protective cover that encloses the compression area, preventing any contact with the moving parts as well as the cross-contamination of the material.

          Ejection Regulator

          It facilitates the ejection of tablets after the compression.


          It offers an exit way for the manufactured tablets.


          It provides the driving power to the machine for efficient processing.

          Driving Belt

          It connects the motor with the moving parts of the device.


          It is used to switch ON or OFF the device.

          5.How does a single-punch tablet machine function?

          a single-punch tablet machine function

          Working of Single Punch Tablet Machine – Picture Courtesy: SaintyCo

          The elementary design of the single-punch tablet machine makes it easy to handle. The fundamental operational protocols of a single-punch tablet machine are stated below;

          • A space is generated in the die by elevating and lowering the top and bottom punches, respectively.
          • The gravity-driven raw mixture fills the die pocket to the brim from the loading cup.
          • The upper punch then descends into the die pocket exerting the required compaction force to press the powder into the tablet and ensure that it attains uniformity.
          • The thickness of the tablet depends on the distance between the punches. The closer they are placed, the harder and thinner will be the tablets produced.
          • The fabricated tablet gets ejected as a result of the simultaneous bottom punch uplifting and the top punch’s retraction.
          • The entire process is continuously done until there is no more feeding material available.
          • The working parameters can be regulated and monitored in the automatic variant of the device.

          6.What are the kinds of models available for a single-punch tablet machine?

          Based on the level of automation, a single-punch tablet machine can be categorized into 3 types, these are;

          Manual Single Punch tablet Machine

          Manual Single Punch tablet Machine

          Manual Single Punch Tablet Machine

          It is a handheld operated model of single-punch tablet machine. It has the simplest design among all the tablet manufacturing equipment. It consists of a lever connected to the upper punch.

          The material is poured into the die pocket by the operator. The lever is rotated which causes the upper punch to exert pressure on the material and transform it into tablet form. The tablet is then manually ejected from the cavity.

          The production capacity of this equipment depends entirely on the operator.

          Semi-Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine 

          Operational Ease

          Semi-Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine

          In this type of machine, some of the operating steps are performed by the worker while the rest of the operation is done by the machine automatically.

          They also have the facility of a hand crank wheel, which can be used for manual compression operation if the motor malfunctions.

          Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine

          Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine

          Automatic Single Punch Tablet Machine

          These types of devices are equipped with automated mechanisms. The material to be compressed can be fed utilizing an automatic tool, compression is done, then the tablet gets ejected automatically.

          In certain variants, a control panel is installed through which the process parameters can be monitored and controlled. The automatic single-punch tablet machine is an advanced form of device, having highest of the capacity and operating speed among single-punch tablet machine variants.

          7.What kinds of materials can a single-punch tablet machine handle?

          A single-punch tablet machine is a versatile device capable of handling a variety of materials and compressing them into a compact desired tablet form. Some of the materials that a single-punch tablet machine can handle are;



          Tablet Formation from Granules

          Granules are particles with consistent particle size. A single-punch tablet machine can handle all sorts of granular materials and compress them into a compact tablet structure.

          Granulation of certain powders is done to improve their flow characteristics and facilitate the formulation of tablets.



          Tablets Formation from Powder – Picture Courtesy:

          Powders are finer particles with variable particle size. Dry powders can be compacted into tablets using a single-punch tablet machine.

          8.What types of tablets can be manufactured by a single-punch tablet machine?

          A single-punch tablet machine can manufacture various shapes of tablets. Some common are;

          Round Tablets

          They are the most commonly manufactured tablets. They are circular with no edges. They can be easily produced.

          Round Tablets

          Round Tablets – Picture Courtesy: Amino Apps

          Oval Tablets

          They are elliptical-shaped tablets. They are usually bigger than round tablets.

          Oval Tablets

          Oval Tablets

          Oblong Tablets

          They are rounded-edged rectangular tablets. They are usually produced to carry large dosages of drugs, such as chewable tablets.

          Oblong Tablets

          Oblong Tablets – Picture Courtesy: PharmaTech

          Triangular Tablets

          They have three corners with distinct edges or round edges.

          Triangular Tablets

          Triangular Tablets

          Square Tablets

          They are four-cornered tablets. They usually have a flat surface.

          Square Tablets

          Square Tablets – Picture Courtesy: StudioNow

          Heart Tablets

          They are heart-shaped and can be produced for many purposes in various industries, particularly in the confectionery industry.

          Heart Tablets

          Heart Shaped Tablets

          Core Rod Tablets

          They have a round aperture in the center, mostly manufactured in the food industry.

          Core Rod Tablets

          Core Rod Shaped Tablet – Picture Courtesy:

          Unique Tablets

          There can be other unique tablet shapes, subject to the design of the punches.

          Unique Tablets

          Different Unique Shaped Tablets – Picture Courtesy: Penglai Packaging

          9.What role do tooling options play in a single-punch tablet machine?

          tooling options play in a single-punch tablet machine

          Variations in Tooling

          The two fundamental components of the single-punch tablet machine that are punches and a die are collectively called tooling. The tooling is designed in various shapes and plays a major role in the device's versatility.

          The tools are made to produce different kinds of tablets and are available in a range of sizes and shapes. The most typical shapes are oblong, diamond, oval, and round. Similar to this, certain instruments are designed to imprint symbols and shapes on tablets.

          The dies and punches are typically made of a material that can withstand high-pressure force, such as stainless steel or Aluminum alloy.

          Furthermore, differences in the thickness of the tablet are also caused by the depth of the die pockets. Because of the adaptability of the tooling, several production units stamp their industrial brand emblem on the tablets to deter counterfeiting.

          10.What maintenance procedures should one develop to ensure the optimal performance of a single-punch tablet machine?

          maintenance procedures

          Maintenance of Single Punch Tablet Machine

          You don’t need to worry about the maintenance of the machine as one of the benefits of a single-punch tablet machine is its easy maintenance. The device has a simple structural design and is easy to clean.

          Maintenance is crucial for any industrial equipment as it aids in the machine's longevity and maintaining its best working condition. Here we are discussing the basic maintenance protocols of a single-punch tablet machine.

          • Routine cleaning and dusting of the complete instrument must be done to guarantee the long life of the equipment without any decline in the quality of products.
          • The tooling must be deeply cleaned to ensure the powder does not stick onto the surface or die pockets that may cause variations in the tablet’s consistency.
          • Lubricate the moving components of the equipment to maintain efficient operation.
          • A periodic inspection of all the parts should be done to observe any damage, rust, or tear.
          • Repair or replace all the worn parts swiftly to prevent any loss of resources.
          • The repaired tools should be measured for their dimensions to ensure the desired outcomes.
          • The tooling can be polished properly without impacting their dimension to have a smooth finish.

          11.What industrial standards you should be aware of when choosing a single-punch tablet machine?

          aware of when choosing a single-punch tablet machine

          Industrial equipment must adhere to the standard/criterion guidelines to certify the safe and efficacious formulation of tablets without compromising their quality.

          The prime standards of quality an instrument needs to concur with are;


          The rules that provide the minimal requirements for proper designing, monitoring, lines of action, and provisions utilized in the product’s fabrication process are called the current good manufacturing practices (cGMP).


          The CE (Conformité Européenne/European Conformity) credential stipulates that the device satisfies certain authoritative conditions of the environment, safety, and health.


          The approval of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) implies that the product is safe and efficacious as per the legal guidelines.


          The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certification indicates the product’s safety, quality, and efficiency as per the standardized specifications.

          12.What are the issues that one may face while using a single-punch tablet machine and what are the solutions to those issues?

          Yes, it is! Suppose you are not following the working protocols. In that case, if the operators are not focused or making errors, the machine is continuously at work, the maintenance is not being regularly done, or any other reason then you may face certain problems in the final product.

          Early assessment of the problem is important for a timely solution and for preventing any major loss in terms of the product resources or the machine.

          Some of the common issues you may face while using a single-punch tablet machine are;



          Tablet Lamination – Picture Courtesy: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

          It refers to the layering of the tablet’s core structure.

          It may be caused by over-pressing of powdered material, using worn tooling, or any formulation error.

          Solution: Consider replacing the damaged tooling, increasing the binder level in the formulation, and operating the equipment under standard protocols.



          Tablet Capping – Picture Courtesy: Scientist Live

          The removal of the upper or lower layer from the core of tablets is called capping.

          The main reason is the air entrapment due to quick compression.

          Solution: Adjust the compression speed and force



          Tablet Sticking – Picture Courtesy: Researchgate

          The powder adhesion to the punches or die surface is called sticking.

          It may occur due to the utilization of damaged punches or die, small letters or logos, less pressure force applied, or inadequate lubricant in the formulation.

          Solution: Polish or replace the dies or punches, increase the lubricant level, increase the dimensions of logos, or adjust the pressing force.



          Tablet Picking – Picture Courtesy: Researchgate

          Picking is a more specific term used for material sticking inside the imprinting structures on the punches.

          The causes are usually the same as sticking.

          Double Impression

          Double Impression

          Tablet Double Impression – Picture Courtesy: Tech-publish

          It refers to the dual imprinting on the tablets.

          This issue typically arises with the punches having monograms. It can be caused by over-pressing of the material or by using damaged tooling. 

          Solution: Replace or repair the tooling or adjust the pressure force.

          13.What are the limitations of a single-punch tablet machine?

          limitations of a single-punch tablet machine

          Picture Courtesy: Adobe Stock

          Apart from some incredible benefits of a single-punch tablet machine, there are a few limitations to the device. You must know about those limitations before investing in it so that you may not face any trouble in getting your desired outcomes from the device.

          These limitations are;

          • It cannot be employed in large production industries as it is designed for small to medium-scale production.
          • Many variants of the single-punch tablet machine require manual operation, which can result in the operator’s fatigue and there is an increased chance of human errors
          • The single-punch tablet machine offers limited automation, leading to a slower rate of production.
          • The tooling changeover may take time and require adjustments manually.
          • They may not provide a higher level of accuracy in the tablet’s properties.

          14.What factors are necessary to be considered while shopping for a single-punch tablet machine?

          necessary to be considered

          There are various models of the single-punch tablet machine available on the market. These variants vary in many characteristics. Before investing in a single-punch tablet machine, you must consider certain factors to ensure buying the right equipment for your business.

          Some common factors you should consider are;


          You must assess your budget, considering not only the operational costs but also the maintenance cost, before selecting a particular single-punch tablet machine.

          Opt for the equipment that offers the best performance in your available budget.


          It is an important factor to consider. Different models have different capacities to process the materials. You should select the variant by keeping in mind the present needs as well as the future objectives.

          Regulatory Compliance

          Safety and quality in the final product are crucial for your business. To ensure the quality of the product, you must consider the device which is designed and manufactured as per the standard specifications.


          You should research or ask about the maintenance of the equipment considering its cost and protocols.

          Processing Materials

          Certain models of the device may not be able to handle some kinds of materials. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this factor and opt for the device that complies with your requirements.

          Tablet Variations

          Consider the equipment that is capable of producing different kinds of tablets with an easy changeover of the tools.

          Safety Features

          The safety features are important for a safe and efficient operation. Consider the device with proper safety features installed, such as an emergency alarm and guard locks, to prevent any incident.


          Tablet manufacturing is a rapidly growing market due to the continuous demand and convenience of tablet dosage forms. A single-punch tablet machine stands as a pivotal tool in various industries, particularly the pharmaceutical industry, offering a versatile solution for the manufacturing of tablets. The device epitomizes efficiency, quality, and diversity, serving as an indispensable part of the tablet formulation. Selecting the right machine variant is crucial in obtaining the desired outcomes. So if you also want to get the incredible benefits of the single-punch tablet machine and considering investing in it, then you must contact the AllPack Team to learn more about the device.

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          Single Punch Tablet Machine:The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »

          Automatic Tablet Press Machine-9

          Automatic Tablet Press Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

          Automatic Tablet Press Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

          Have you ever wondered how tablets of different sizes and shapes are formed? How all the tablets in a package are of uniform size and weight? Are you searching for an ultimate solution to maximize the tablet manufacturing output? Or do you want to better understand automatic tablet press machines? Then you're at the right place.

          Automatic Tablet Press Machine

          Picture Courtesy: Stoelzle

          Tablet is the most popular dosage form used in the health sector. Nowadays, about two-thirds of the drugs are dispensed in solid dosage form and most of them are tablets. Based on the manufacturing motive, the tablets may be of various shapes and sizes. Automatic tablet press machine is a versatile gadget that has amazing features making it an important part of various industries, particularly the pharmaceutical industry. With technological advancements, the automatic tablet press machine has also evolved over the years.

          In this detailed guide, you will get an answer to all the queries related to an automatic tablet press machine. Let’s dive deep into the topic;

            Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

            1.How would you define an automatic tablet press machine?

            an automatic tablet press machine

            Automatic Tablet Press Machine – Picture Courtesy: Kompass

            An automatic tablet press machine is an advanced equipment utilized to transform dry powders and granules into a compact structure. Through this device, a variety of tablets with varied structures and sizes can be manufactured by optimizing the tooling of the device. The device is known to make uniform tablets on a large scale. It provides automated continuous production of tablets by compressing a granular material. It can also shape symbols or text on the tablets.

            2.Which materials can be pressed into tablets using an automatic tablet press machine?

            pressed into tablets

            Granules & Powders – Picture Courtesy: Syntegon

            Dry powders and granules are materials that can be pressed into a compact structure using an automatic tablet press machine, but not all kinds of powders or granules can be compressed.

            Powders:They are fine particles of variable particle size. Certain powders can be pressed into tablets using an automatic tablet press machine. Due to variations in particle size, powders have lower flow properties.

            Granules:They are larger coarse particles of uniform particle size. Due to the uniform size of granules, they have higher flow properties comparatively. For tablet preparation, certain powders are transformed into granules to improve the flow properties and bulk density.

            3.Which industries can utilize the automatic tablet press machine?

            The common industries that utilize the automatic tablet press machine include; pharmaceuticals, chemicals, nutraceuticals, and the food industry. These machines offer flexibility, uniformity, and consistency in tablet manufacturing, making them an important part of numerous manufacturing processes.



            Automatic Tablet Press Machine in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Picture Courtesy: Pharma Excipients

            The pharmaceutical industry uses the automatic tablet press machine for the production of tablets carrying active elements in bulk batches. The machine can manufacture precise dosage tablets in a consistently efficient manner. Similarly, multi-layered tablets can also be produced using these machines.


            produced using these machines

            Automatic Tablet Press Machine in the Nutraceutical Industry

            In the nutraceuticals industry, the automatic tablet press machine is employed to create health supplements comprising a blend of ingredients including minerals, vitamins, and herbal extracts, in the form of tablets. These tablets can be consumed by the patients conveniently.

            FOOD INDUSTRY:

            FOOD INDUSTRY

            Automatic Tablet Press Machine in the Food Industry

            The utilization of the automatic tablet press machine in the food industry is to obtain numerous kinds of compact food products like mints, candies, beans, and snacks.



            Automatic Tablet Press Machine in the Chemical Industry

            Chemicals such as pesticides, cleansing agents such as chlorine and phenyl, and fertilizers are obtained in various shapes and sizes tablets with the help of an automatic tablet press machine.

            4.How installing an automatic tablet press machine in the industry can benefit us?

            Automatic tablet press machine offers a variety of key benefits that make them essential to many industries that require accuracy in uniformity and precise dosing, particularly the pharmaceuticals industry. Some of the vital benefits are:

            Increased Operational Efficiency:

            Increased Operational Efficiency

            Increased Efficiency and Productivity

            The automatic tablet press machine offers a rapid, continuous, and automated production rate, enhancing production efficiency and output. Tablets are produced at a much faster rate by operating these machines compared to other manual methods. Moreover, they are consistent in handling large volumes of powder materials.

            Dosing Consistency and Precision:

            Dosing Consistency and Precision

            Precise Dosing – Picture Courtesy: Frontiers Research

            The automatic tablet press machine plays a crucial role in providing the precise dosing of active constituents in tablets with unmatched consistency. It ensures that every tablet has the right quantity of content by providing cutting-edge technology like fill-depth optimization and automatic weight management.

            Dosage precision is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry, where slight inaccuracy in the dosing can have a significant adverse impact on the consumer’s health.

            Lowered Operational and Overhead Expenses:

            Lowered Operational and Overhead Expenses

            Lowered Operational Expenses – Picture Courtesy: Pallet Market

            By providing automated processing, the automatic tablet press machine minimizes production costs and labor expenses, which means only a limited number of personnel are required for the machine's operation and fewer resources are being wasted by largely eliminating the human hand.

            Tablet Uniformity:

            Tablet Uniformity

            Uniformity in Tablets – Picture Courtesy: depidiomas

            Apart from other extraordinary features, the automatic tablet press machine also offers the uniformity in tablet’s size, shape, and weight. This feature is important for elegant-looking and precise dosing.

            Variations in Size and Shape:

            Variations in Size and Shape

            Variations in Sizes & Shapes of Tablets – Picture Courtesy: Adobe Stock

            The automatic tablet press machine can produce a variety of tablets in different sizes and shapes by optimization of tooling devices. The uniqueness in shapes and sizes influences the consumers to take the tablets.

            Improved Stability of Products:

            Variations in Size and Shape-1

            Excellent Quality of Tablets – Picture Courtesy: PharmTech

            The precise, uniform, and consistent manufacturing of tablets by the automatic tablet press machine improves the quality of tablets. Such tablets are less likely to degrade during their transportation and storage life.

            5.Which varieties of automatic tablet press machines are available?

            The automatic tablet press machine is available in several varieties and configurations, each having unique characteristics and advantages. To accommodate different production needs and parameters, these machines provide a variety of layouts and construction materials, tablet structure and size options, as well as operational speeds and efficiency.

            The common forms of automatic tablet press machines are;



            Allpack Single-Punch Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            This is the simplest form of automatic tablet press machine. Its simple configuration and operation make it an ideal choice for tablet manufacturing, particularly for small-volume manufacturing as they have a limited capacity of production.

            They are economical for small enterprises and are easy to operate by using a pair of dies and a punch to press the granular powder into the tablet. To get distinct forms of tablets, you have to change the punch and die set.

            They work by employing a set of dies and a punch. The material flows through the hopper and fills the die. The punch exerts the necessary pressure and the powder gets pressed into the tablet, followed by the die opening for ejecting the tablet.



            AIPAK Rotary Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            Rotary tablet press machines come in several varieties. Both basic and modified forms of variants are available. The key distinguishing features between the two variants are the degree of automation and the processing speed of compression.

            Because of their rapid speed and consistent outcomes, these machines are widely employed across industries. They can handle and produce millions of tablets every hour with precise control over tablet quality. They are handy to use in large-scale business models.

            The capacity of some of the variants can be enhanced by connecting certain auxiliary pieces of equipment with the device, such as a vacuum powder loader or a de-duster. The only complication with this type of machine is that it requires more maintenance, good airing, and an uninterrupted power supply.



            AIPAK High-Speed Rotary Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            The industries operating at a large scale are leaning towards the high-speed rotary tablet press machine. These machines can provide a pre-compression pressure of 10 kN. These machines are originated to satisfy the demands of large manufacturers.

            The machines can retain the ingredients recipe and reproduce them in subsequent batches. They are structured with a high-pressure tooling and have a long time of compression. Additionally, a side guard interlock device is installed to maximum protection.



            AllPack Three-Colored Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            The three-colored automatic tablet press machine is another form of equipment employed in industries to manufacture multi-layer multi-colored tablets by compressing the granules into various forms of tablets, as per the consumer’s demands. Apart from pharmaceutical industries, it can also be utilized in the food and chemicals industry. It has an automatic operational mode and is easy to clean.



            AllPack Compressed Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            It is a type of rotary tablet press machine that is commonly used in the food industry for making biscuits by compressing the biscuit powders. The compressed biscuits are formed by the application of huge pressure by the punches on the biscuit powders.



            AllPack Effervescent Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            It is the modern form of rotary machine developed to fabricate effervescent and aromatic tablets. It has an automated mode of operation and has a wide scope across industries, including chemicals and the food industry. The tablets produced are usually large. The machine is typically connected to a dust collector to keep the environment clean.

            6.What are the fundamental components/parts of an automatic tablet press machine?

            The fundamental parts of an automatic tablet press machine are described below;

            Automatic Tablet Press Machine-6

            Parts of AllPack Automatic Tablet Press Machine


            It is an enclosed space on top of the machine that is utilized for feeding the material to the machine. It can house a specified volume of the feed and maintain its steady supply. To maximize the production output, some of the machine variants have more than one hopper installed in it.

            Feeding System

            This system plays a vital role in the transfer of powder into the die pockets. Depending on the machine model, they operate on different mechanisms. The 2 key mechanisms involved are;

            Forced Feeding

            The advanced form of automatic tablet press machine employs forced feeders for the material delivery into the machine. These feeders are composed of paddle wheels exerting additional force maintaining the regulated flow of materials. It aids in improving the poor flow characteristics of the material.

            Gravity Feeding

            The gravity feeders have a multi-chamber frame and aid in leading the material into the die pockets using the force of gravity.

            Dosing Plow

            It influences the regulation of precise loading of the material to the die pockets.


            The turret is referred to as the heart of the automatic tablet press machine. It has uniformly spaced holes that serve as a holder for the punches and dies throughout the operation.

            Ejection Cam

            It is involved in the dislodgement of the finished tablets by uplifting the bottom punches.


            Punches are the integral components of the machine. They are customized sets of tools originated with specified heads to fulfill the requirement of a particular size, structure, or imprint on tablets. They occur in pairs, i.e. upper and lower punch, and work in coordination to provide the necessary pressure for compression.

            Screen Panel

            The modern type of automatic tablet press machine comes with a touch screen panel, e.g. High-speed rotary tablet press. The different parameters can be adjusted and controlled using the touch screen. Moreover, it can also retain the recipe settings for reproducing the subsequent tablet batches.

            Compression Rollers

            They are cylindrical structures and are divided into 2 groups.

            Pre-Compression Rollers

            These rollers are employed to apply moderate force before the primary compression initiates. This action eliminates the presence of any air gaps within the raw materials.

            Primary Compression Rollers

            These rollers exert huge pressure on the material within the die pockets ensuring the proper compression of materials.


            They are the structures consisting of holders for the punches. These holders are known as die cavities where the materials get compressed by the repeated action of the punches. They are designed to endure strong pressure.

            Main Drive System

            It is among the cardinal components of the rotary tablet press machine. The system supplies electricity and is liable for managing the machine’s motion. A gearbox, a primary driving shaft, an electric motor, and a series of belts/gears make up the system. A well-ordered main drive system can reliably sustain both the machine's overall execution and the fabrication of tablets.

            7.What are the operating protocols of the automatic tablet press machine?

            The overall working of different machine variants may vary due to their differently designed components. However, the basic operation remains the same.

            The automatic tablet press machine operates in the following 4 steps;



            Picture Courtesy: I Holland

            In this step, the powder is introduced to the hopper which directs the powder simultaneously to the various dies by using free paddles, which help in the uniform distribution of the material to each die and halt the uneven distribution.

            During the procedure, the bottom punches are guided downward by the pull-down cam to provide space for the incoming powder. The upper cam concurrently raises the upper punches.



            Picture Courtesy: I Holland

            This is the second and most important step of the compression process. This step involves the removal of powder in excess from the turret and measuring and controlling the right powder quantity. The process makes sure that the dosing is accurate, which is critical for the maintenance of tablet uniformity.


            Once the metering stage is over, the compression phase starts. This stage is further classified into two phases.

            Pre-compression Phase


            Picture Courtesy: I Holland

            During pre-compression, the upper punch lowers and the material within the die pocket is subjected to a modest amount of pressure. The main aim of this phase is the formation of a packed mass called a slug. The slug serves as a base for the primary compression phase and helps remove any air gaps from the powder.

            Main Compression Phase


            Picture Courtesy: I Holland

            During this phase, the upper punch exerts a huge pressure on the slug, resulting in the further compaction of the material which then turns into the final shape of the tablet.

            The force used in the primary compression process guarantees the right bulk, diameter, and stiffness of the tablet. The tablet attributes can be managed by varying the dwell time, which is the contact time of the punches with the powder material.



            Picture Courtesy: I Holland

            After the compression process completes, the bottom punches will lift and push the formed tablets out from the die pocket. The automatic tablet press machine employs lubricants to smoothly remove the tablet from the die. This lessens the chance of damaging or jamming the tablet during ejection. In addition, some sophisticated tablet press machines have a reject mechanism built in to separate the faulty tablets at this stage.

            8.How does a rotary tablet press machine differ from a single-punch tablet press machine?

            Bench-top-Pill-Pressing-Machine Industrial-Pill-Pressing-Machine
            It has a simple design It has a complex design
            Utilizes a single set of tooling Contains multiple tooling, which rotates on a turret
            The bottom punch remains stationary Both punches move between pressing rolls
            Employed for small-scale operation Large-scale operation where production demand is high
            Easy to operate Required trained personnel to operate
            Low noise production High noise production
            Maintenance is easy Maintenance is difficult
            Limited manufacturing capacity Maximum manufacturing capacity
            Less control over tablet properties Precise control over tablet qualit

            9.How would you describe a turret in an automatic tablet press machine?



            Turret in Pill Pressing Machine- Picture Courtesy: Elizabeth Companies

            The turret is the main processing component of the automatic tablet press machine, sometimes referred to as the heart of the machine. The rotating turret is composed of holes that serve as the holders for dies and punches. The holes in the turret are evenly spaced to ensure the proper alignment of the tools, which results in efficient operation.

            There is a range of turrets available for various tools of the automatic tablet press machine. It is easy to make the turret adaptable according to the tools by simply changing its base. The turrets are made of high-quality steel to endure the huge pressure during the operation. The number of holes in the turret determines the production capacity of the machine.

            The maximum rotating speed of a turret can be up to 70 RPM, depending upon the model of the machine.

            The turret can be categorized into 3 main sections;

            Die Turret: the segment that serves the purpose of holding the dies.

            Upper Turret: the segment involves in holding of the upper punches.

            Lower Turret: the segment that involves in holding of the bottom punches.

            10.What do you mean by tablet tooling?

            TABLET TOOLING

            TABLET TOOLING

            Tooling of Automatic Tablet Press Machine

            Tablet tooling refers to the vital components of the automatic tablet press machine, i.e. the dies and the punches. The versatility in tooling is one of the tremendous features of the automatic tablet press machine. There is a huge significance of tooling as it allows users to fabricate various forms of tablets as per the consumer’s demands.

            The tooling comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, designed for the manufacturing of specific forms of tablets. The most common are round, oval, diamond, and oblong. Similarly, some tools have symbols and shapes for imprinting on tablets.  Moreover, the depth of the die pockets also results in variations in the tablet’s thickness.

            Certain manufacturing units imprint their industrial brand symbol on the tablets to avoid counterfeiting, which is only possible because of the tooling’s versatility.

            11.What problems can you face using an automatic tablet press machine and what are the solutions to those problems?

            One may face certain problems while using an automatic tablet press machine and to resolve those problems, you must know about the cause of the problem. These problems may be either because of any technical issue in the machine or due to any formulation errors. Some common problems and their solutions are discussed here;


            It is defined as the splitting of tablets into multiple layers.


            Tablet Lamination – Picture Courtesy: Scientist Live

            It may be caused by the over-compression of granular material, resulting in granular flattening, which then does not lock together.

            The issue may arise due to misalignment of certain machine components such as the incorrect setting of the take-off plate or bottom punch ejection, utilization of worn punches, granules being over-dried, or under-usage of binders.

            Increase the moisture and binder level in the formulation.

            Reset the take-off plate and the bottom punches.

            Replace or repair the damaged punches.


            It is the partial or complete separation of the lower or upper layer from the tablet’s main body.


            Tablet Capping – Picture Courtesy: Freeman Technology

            It is mainly caused due to the entrapment of air, which may occur due to compression being too quick.

            The other reasons might be pressure being too high, over-blending, or not enough binder within the formulation.

            Reduce the compression speed.

            Minimize the fines in granules.

            Adjust binder and moisture ratio.

            Lower the weight or increase the thickness within limits.

            Use of properly designed tooling that allows the air to evacuate during the process.

            STICKING & PICKING

            Sticking refers to the attachment of powder to the punch faces or die walls.

            A more specific term is picking, which is the powder sticking within the logos, letters, or shapes on the punches.


            Tablet Sticking


            Tablet Picking – Picture Courtesy: Science Direct

            It may be caused because of;

            Damaged punches.

            Ringed die.

            Letters or logos are to be very small.

            Too much moisture.

            Inadequate lubricant.

            Insufficient compaction force.

            Replace or polish the dies and punches.

            Adjust lubricants.

            Enhance the compaction force.

            Increase the letter diameter or tablet’s size.

            Dry the material.


            It means the irregularity in the weight of the tablets.


            Weight Variation in Tablets – Picture Courtesy: IPharmachine

            It may be caused because of;

            Length variation in punches.

            Inconsistency in feeding.

            Inappropriate feeder setting.

            Inconsistency in granular size.

            Poor flow of the powder.

            Presence of dirt on weight adjustment cam.

            Ensure the punches are tightened.

            Clean the weight adjustment cam.

            Set the feeder properly.

            Add lubricant.

            Lower the speed of the machine.

            Introduce a vibration mechanism in the hopper to maintain the steady feed.


            The imprinting on both sides of the tablet. This problem arises only with the use of punches with monograms.


            Double Impression on Tablets – Picture Courtesy: IPharmachine

            It may be caused because of;

            Misalignment of the punches.


            Utilization of damaged punches or dies.

            Replace or polish the dies and punches.

            Reduce the compression force.

            Set the punches properly.

            12.What measures can be taken for the maintenance of the automatic tablet press machine?

            Waiting for the breakdown of your industrial automatic tablet press machine can be costly. Industrial managers should create preventive maintenance programs/schedules rather than waiting for unforeseen incidents to happen, that might stop or minimize the output.

            When the machine catches a problem, it gives various signs of malfunctioning, they can be visible or audible. The working personnel should look up for or listen to those signs. Every component should be regularly inspected and maintained as per set guidelines. The maintenance can be done on a daily, weekly, as well as monthly basis.

            The common maintenance procedure includes;

            Dusting & Cleaning

            This is an important step to be followed regularly. As the automatic tablet press machine works on the principle of automated production, its cleaning and dusting are necessary for efficient operation.

            The components like hoppers, pressing rolls, punches, dies, and feeding systems require extensive dusting and cleaning.

            It ensures that the components don’t have any powder sticking onto the surface, which can cause problems in the quality of tablets. The device typically utilized for this purpose is an ultrasonic automated cleaner.


            This needs to be done to maintain the fluency of different moving parts of the machine such as rollers, punches, and turret. Continuous operation of the machine can reduce the moving speed of such parts.


            A visual inspection of the machine tools should be done under magnifiers. It is important to look for any damages, corrosion, or wear. The cleaning validation is also done through assessment. It helps in providing early clues about any problem with the machine.

            Examining various parts is crucial in maintaining optimal operation, particularly the turret, being the heart of the machine, and should be assessed regularly to reduce runout.


            Any damaged or worn tool should be repaired or replaced quickly to prevent a drop in the tablet’s quality. The repairing should be done by a trained worker.


            It is essential when repairing is done to ensure that the tools are in proper shape and dimensions. It should be carried out regularly even if repair has not been done. Proper tooling dimensions are important to regulate the tablet’s characteristics.


            Tooling life can also be maximized by proper and controlled polishing. It is done to give a smooth finish to the components.

            13.What parameters should be considered while selecting an automatic tablet press machine?

            If you are seeking guidance on selecting the appropriate automatic tablet press machine, here are some key considerations to keep in mind.



            Manufacturing Capacity

            It is one of the most crucial aspects to consider when opting for an automatic tablet press machine. The manufacturing capacity is described as the tablet’s quantity that a machine can produce in one hour. One should keep in mind their present requirements as well as future objectives.



            Variety of Shapes & Sizes of Tablets – Picture Courtesy: The Medicine Maker

            Different variants of the automatic tablet press machine have the specific capability of fabricating various forms of tablets. Therefore, always select the variant that satisfies your requirements.



            Picture Courtesy: REVE Chat

            The efficiency of a machine is also an important factor to consider. An efficient machine working at a high speed without sufficient breakdown will help you achieve the production demands.




            Always check for the turrets in a machine that should be operating smoothly and must be aligned with tooling. As this component is important in determining the machine’s efficiency, it is necessary to observe the turret properly.



            AIPAK Rotary Automatic Tablet Press Machine – Stainless Steel

            Always opt for a machine that is made of high-quality material to ensure the manufacturing process is efficient and the powder does not stick to the surface of various components or gets stuck, reducing the capacity of production and loss of resources.


            A quick and easy approach to getting several nutrients or drugs in the least amount of time is by taking them in the form of tablets. Now, to produce such tablets with accuracy, an automatic tablet press machine is required. There is a diverse range of applications to offer by the automatic tablet press machine in various industries. Many industries have the propensity for this machine due to its high power and efficient production rate. So, if you're planning to purchase; then contact Allpack Team Now to find more about automatic tablet press machine series.

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            Automatic Tablet Press Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »


            Pill Pressing Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

            Pill Pressing Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

            Are you looking for a dynamic solution to increase your tableting process? Is the pill fabrication process harder for you? Do you want to improve pill quality? Then consider installing pill pressing machine.

            Pill Pressing

            Picture Courtesy: Keppy Family Chiropractic

            Pill pressing machines are a vital part of different industries, especially the pharmaceutical industry. The pill pressing machine is a favored tool for many industries because of its accelerated pill manufacturing and also for its improved quality of pill pill-making process.

            In this article, you will find all the answers to your queries regarding the pill pressing machine. This informative article will discuss benefits, applications, working principles, types, and many more about the pill pressing machine.

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              1.Define A Pill Pressing Machine?

              A Pill Pressing Machine

              Pill Pressing Machine- Picture Courtesy: Fette Compacting

              A pill pressing machine is the most important machine that is used for compacting and changing powders and granules into tablets. This machine is also referred to as a tablet press machine in the industrial sector. It produces consistent quality and diverse-sized tablets depending upon its tooling devices.

              It is majorly seen in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry for creating tablets from precise powder formulation and granulation blends. It delivers top-notch results because of its excellent accuracy and high productivity.

              2.Why is Pill Pressing Machine Significant in Industries?

              Pill pressing machine is significant in industries because they offer better output rates than the traditional and old methods of pill pressing. It is cost-effective, as it consumes less energy. Some of the benefits of this manufacturing unit are detailed below:

              Versatility in Shapes and Sizes

              Versatility in Shapes and Sizes

              Versatility in Shapes and Sizes

              A pill pressing machine is the best invention of science because it offers versatility and flexibility in tablet production. It does not produce a single type of product instead it produces diverse shapes of pills for increasing patient compliance. Unique shapes of tablets tempt patients to take their tablets.

              Excellent and Superior Tablet Quality

              Excellent and Superior Tablet Quality

              Excellent and Superior Tablet Quality

              Manufacturers of pill pressing machine routinely perform several tests to ensure their machines meet the highest possible standard of quality and performance. Thus, the pill pressing process by this machine creates top-quality tablets. Quality tablets ensure better therapeutic responses in patients.

              Increased Outputs

              Increased Outputs

              Increased Outputs

              With the help of pill pressing machine, manufacturers fabricate large quantities of tablets at increasingly high speeds. Using this machine also saves valuable time and increases the productivity of the production line. Furthermore, only not does this machine save time, but it also saves the quantities of formulation, resulting in lower wastage.

              Hygienic Processing

              Hygienic Processing

              Hygienic Processing

              The machine is constructed with stainless steel materials that are corrosion and rust-resistant. This material offers a sanitary design to the pill pressing machine, making it easier to clean the machine. This feature allows hygienic and sanitary conditions during the tablet pressing process.

              Uniformity in Shapes and Sizes of Tablet

              Uniformity in Shapes and Sizes of Tablet

              Uniformity in Shapes and Sizes of Tablet

              Manual labor does not produce uniform-sized and shaped tablets. There is always variation in the tablets created by manual labor. However, the pill pressing machine is an advanced piece of technology, creating consistent-sized and shaped tablets every time. There are no minute differences in the tablets formed by pill pressing machine.

              3.What are the Basic Parts of Pill Pressing Machine?

              The basic parts of pill pressing machine are discussed below:

              Basic Parts of Pill Pressing Machine

              Parts of Allpack Pill Pressing Machine

              Hopper It is the central part of the feeding system that houses large quantities of raw materials for making pills. It is an enclosed part that prevents the entry of other foreign objects to minimize the chances of contamination.
              Stainless Steel Frame The frame is made from stainless steel materials that are robust and long-lasting material. The frame offers support and stability to different machine parts.
              Die Cavity This part of the pill pressing machine allows the entry of the formulation materials through its hollow interior. It is constructed according to the shapes of pills and is easily interchanged for making different pills.
              Punches Punches come in pairs that are upper and lower punches. These punches move up and down to compact powders into pills. By their movement, they exert the necessary force for the compression.
              Table Adjuster For maintaining the level of powders in the pill pressing machine, a table adjuster is employed. With this part, excess materials are removed from the machine.
              Electric Panel It is the dashboard for different electric switches. It is used for adjusting powering options.
              Control Panel For controlling different parts of the pill pressing machine, the control panel is used. It regulates all the processes like the speed of the turret, movement of upper and lower punch, temperature, pressure, etc. It is used to input all the program parameters easily, lowering the burden on the workforce.
              Electric Cabinet Different electric appliances that are used for powering the machine are present in the electric box.
              Safety Glass It is an enclosed barrier surrounding the pill pressing machine and is made with organic glass. It is a safeguard system that protects the interior of the machine. It also allows operators to see the progress of the tableting process.
              Turret This part holds the die cavity, upper and lower punch. The motion of the turret is essential for the entry of the raw materials and also for the removal of formed pills.
              Danger Button This button is an emergency stop button that is used in case of machine malfunctioning and emergencies. It instantly turns off the machine without waiting for the normal turnoff process.
              Exhaust It is part of the ventilation system. The hot air or other fumes are discharged from the machine through exhaust.

              4.What are the Industrial Uses of Pill Pressing Machine?

              Pill pressing machine have diverse industrial uses in different production lines. Many industries lean towards this machine because of its accuracy and high productivity. Some of the industrial uses of this machine are:

              Pharmaceutical Industry

              Pharmaceutical Industry

              Use of Pill Pressing Machine in Pharmaceutical Industry

              First and foremost, a pill pressing machine is utilized in the pharmaceutical industry to form bulk quantities of tablets. This machine produces consistent dosage pills by accurately and precisely compacting powders into pills. This enables pharmaceutical industries to deliver accurate dosages to patients.

              Nutraceutical Industry

              Nutraceutical Industry

              Use of Pill Pressing Machine in Nutraceutical Industry

              Beside the pharmaceutical industry, the nutraceutical industry also employs pill pressing machine. It transforms different types of vitamins, minerals, and dietary powders into desired pills. Uniform quality nutraceutical pills are pressed by this machine and are regularly utilized by the patients to boost their health and immune systems.

              Confectionery Industry

              Confectionery Industry

              Use of Pill Pressing Machine in Confectionery Industry

              Yes, the confectionery industry also utilized this precious invention to form different kinds of candies, toffees, mints, bounties, and beans. Pill pressing machine is known for its high speed, versatility, and uniformity in the confectionery industry.

              Chemical Industry

              Chemical Industry

              Use of Pill Pressing Machine in Chemical Industry- Picture Courtesy:

              Pill pressing machine is regularly found in the chemical industry and it creates different kinds of chemical pills like chlorine and phenyl tablets. Moreover, this machine is also used for fabricating fertilizer and pesticide pills in the agriculture industry.

              Cosmetic Industry

              Cosmetic Industry

              Use of Pill Pressing Machine in Cosmetic Industry

              When it comes to cosmetic tablets, a pill pressing machine is popular in the cosmetic industry as it forms aesthetically pleasing tablets. These pills are applied both externally and internally to boost human health and beauty.  This machine also creates fizzy bath bombs that are used as body wash.

              5.What is the Working Principle of Pill Pressing Machine?

              The working principle of pill pressing machine is divided into four major steps that are:


              In the first stage, the raw materials (powders or granules) are deposited in the pill pressing machine hopper after their treatment with the roller compaction. These rollers are used for acquiring granular materials. This powder blend from the hopper goes to the turret for loading inside the die cavity.




              This stage is essential in obtaining the right-sized tablets. At this stage, excess powder materials are discharged from the turret. The uniformity in tablets is achieved by the lower punch also called dosage cam.


              Metering- Picture Courtesy: Ipharmachine


              The compression of granules into tablets is achieved by the upper and lower punches. These punches come together to exert high-pressure force to form a tablet. The upper punch moves down while at the same time, the lower punch is raised upward to compress the powders. The hardness and thickness of tablets are dependent upon the distance between two punches. If two punches are close to each other, the formed pill will be hard and thin. If they are far apart from each other, the compressed pill will be soft and thick.


              Compression of Tablet- Picture Courtesy: US Validation Services


              The ejection or discharge of tablets from the pill pressing machine is carried out by the upward movement of the upper punch and by the downward movement of the lower punch. This leads to forcing the pill upward to the exterior of the die cavity. The take-off blade then removes tablets from the turntable towards the collection bin.


              Tablet Ejection- Picture Courtesy: Fette Compactin

              6.What are the Types of Pill Pressing Machine?

              There are different types of pill pressing machine such as:

              Types of Pill Pressing Machine

              According to Size

              Bench-top Pill Pressing Machine

              Bench-top Pill Pressing Machine

              Bench-top Pill Pressing Machine

              It is a small, compact machine with a reduced footprint and is easily accommodated on the desktop. It consists of a single punch, hence, it has lower productivity. Unlike other, single-punch pill pressing machines, this system is fully enclosed and has a high raw material utilization rate. 

              Industrial Pill Pressing Machine

              Industrial Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Industrial Pill Pressing Machine

              It is a high-speed pill pressing machine used in various industries. Due to its high speed, it has an increased output rate that is usually around 300,000 tablets per hour. It not only produces round-shaped tablets but also forms special types of tablets. It processes fine powders but does not process moisture-prone materials.

              According to Working

              Single-Punch Pill Pressing Machine

              Single-Punch Pill Pressing Machine

              Single-Punch Pill Pressing Machine

              This type of pill pressing machine is the major component of small-scale industries because of its minimal output rate. It produces one tablet per cycle because of having only a single punch and one die cavity. Its compression capability is about 55-90 tablets per minute. It also has smaller space needs.

              Rotary Pill Pressing Machine

              Rotary Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Rotary Pill Pressing Machine

              This kind of pill pressing machine is favoured among industries because it contains multiple punches arranged on a rotary turret. The rotary turret continuously moves up and down to load feed substances in the die cavity. This machine can form more tablets per minute because of its multiple punches. It can create versatile pills differing in their shapes and sizes.

              Flower Basket Pill Pressing Machine

              Flower Basket Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Flower Basket Pill Pressing Machine

              It is used in smaller productions and research institutes that need a lower output rate. The flower basket pill pressing machine uses force feed as well as compression principles for smoothly creating the pills. This machine has the appearance of a flower, hence the name flower basket pill pressing machine.

              It produces both regular and irregularly shaped tablets. It is easily installed on the desktops. The flower basket pill pressing machine exerts high pressure to create bigger-sized tablets.

              According to Automation

              Hand-held Pill Pressing Machine

              Hand-held Pill Pressing Machine

              Hand-held Pill Pressing Machine- Picture Courtesy: LFA Tablet Presses

              It is a small pill pressing machine that is easily held in hands. It is used in home-based settings to produce different kinds of supplement pills. It has straight forward construction with two handles and a cavity in which powder is stored to produce tablets. The handles exert force for compressing powders.

              Semi-automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              Semi-automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Semi-automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              It is a single punch machine that has a motor fitted in it. This machine has a semi-automatic mode of operation as although the feeding of granular material and discharge of powders is done by the operators, the compression is performed by the pressure force provided by the upper punch. The movement of the punch is powered by the motor.

              Automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              Automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Automatic Pill Pressing Machine

              It is a large industrial unit, comprising multiple punches that move simultaneously to output numerous tablets during one cycle. The automatic pill pressing machine has an automatic mode of operation in which feeding, metering, compression, and loading are carried out by the machine independently.

              According to Product Type

              Paint Type Pill Pressing Machine

              Paint Type Pill Pressing Machine

              Paint Type Pill Pressing Machine

              This machine is used to produce round-shaped tablets. It is a compact manufacturing unit producing fewer pills per minute. It is best for small-batch businesses.  It contains about 15-19 pairs of punches. Paint type pill pressing machine has a powder suction device that controls the rate of dust generation

              Three-Colored Pill Pressing Machine

              Three-Colored Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Three-Colored Pill Pressing Machine

              This machine is used to create pills of three colours. It is equipped with double press rollers and double impellers that increase the rate of flowability and feeding performance. These systems increase the filling accuracy. Moreover, its cleaning and maintenance is easy.

              Compressed Pill Pressing Machine

              Compressed Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Compressed Pill Pressing Machine

              This type of pill pressing machine is used in the food industry for compressing biscuit powders into biscuits. High pressure is applied on the biscuit powders by the upper and lower punches to undergo compression. These biscuits have extended shelf-life and they have freshness for a longer time.

              Effervescent Pill Pressing Machine

              Effervescent Pill Pressing Machine

              Allpack Effervescent Pill Pressing Machine

              This pill pressing machine is used to produce effervescent and aromatic pills. It has the same working principle as that of other pill pressing machines. It has advanced technology and is operated with the latest rotary system. It produces big-diameter, fizzy, fragrant pills.

              7.What Shapes and Sizes of Tablets Are Pressed by Pill Pressing Machine?

              Pill pressing machine press different shapes of tablets such as:

              Round Pills

              It is a typical shape of pills. These shaped pills are the most common type of pills. These are circular with no corners. These pills are easily produced by regular-shaped tooling. Moreover, these pills are easily shallowed because they do not contain sharp corners.

              Round Pills

              Round Pills

              Oval Pills

              It is the second most frequently available shape of pill. It has an egg or elliptical shape. They have a large surface area than the round pills. So, these can incorporate larger dosages of drugs. Buccal and sublingual pills are available in oval shape.

              Oval Pills

              Oval Pills

              Oblong Pills

              These pills have rectangular shape but with rounded corners. This shape is also called a capsule shape.

              Oblong Pills

              Oblong Pills

              Diamond Pills

              These pills are shaped like two triangles fused. Reproductive disorders are treated by diamond shape pills.

              Diamond Pills

              Diamond Pills- Picture Courtesy: Healthline

              Triangular Pills

              These pills are triangular with three distinct corners. Ecstasy drugs and drugs for psychosis come in triangular pills.

              Triangular Pills

              Triangular Pills

              Square Pills

              They have four equal sides and four corners. Square pills treat asthma.

              Square Pills

              Square Pills- Picture Courtesy: Verywell Mind

              Heart Pills

              These often come as tiny hearts and are utilized for curing heart disorders.

              Heart Pills

              Heart Pills- Picture Courtesy: ColourBox

              Kidney Pills

              These pills are in bean or kidney shape. They are used for treating blood pressure.

              Kidney Pills

              Kidney Pills

              Pentagon Pills

              These pills have five distinct corners. These shaped pills are also called shield-shaped pills. These are often used for treating psychiatric disorders.

              Pentagon Pills

              Pentagon Pills- Picture Courtesy:

              Core Rod Pills

              These pills have tiny circular holes inside them.

              Core Rod Pills

              Core Rod Pills

              Special Shape Pills

              These pills are chewable and are available in star, animal, fruit, etc., shapes. These pills are used for treating mineral deficiencies.

              Special Shape Pills

              Special Shape Pills- Picture Courtesy: Medic

              Size of Pills

              Pills have different sizes, generally, pills are in the range from 1mm to 22 mm. It is recommended by the FDA that pill size must not exceed 22 mm. This is because larger-sized tablets do not pass through the pharynx.

              Mini Sized Pills

              These contain intermediate-acting drugs and are in the size of 1 mm to 5 mm. Buccal and sublingual pills are mini pills.

              Mini Sized Pills

              Mini-Sized Pills- Picture Courtesy: TwentyEight Health

              Standard Size Pills

              Standard pills have dimensions larger than 5 mm but smaller than 22 mm. Many pain-relieving drugs and antibiotics fall under this category. 

              Standard Size Pills

              Standard Size Pills

              Large Sized Tablet

              Effervescent tablets have a larger size which is about 1 inch or 25.4 mm. Pills for ingestion do not come in larger sizes.

              Large Sized Tablet

              Large Sized Tablet- Picture

              8.What Tablets Can Be Produced from Pill Pressing Machine?

              Pill pressing machine can produce diverse types of tablets like:

              Medicine Pills

              Medicine Pills

              Medicine Pills

              These are also called tablets and are routinely used forms of medication. It is consumed orally and has precise and accurate dosages of drugs. They have longer consumable life and lower chances of spoilage.

              Single Layer Pill

              Single Layer Pill

              Single Layer Pill

              It is a routinely used form of medication and it has one layer of the drug so, are also called a single-dose drug. It contains a uniform blend of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients.

              Multi-layer Pills

              Multi-layer Pills

              Multi-layer Pills- Picture Courtesy: RÖLTGEN

              It is a special form of pill having multiple layers of active ingredients with different release times. Multi-layer pills also combine different incompatible drugs into a single pill. Different layers of drugs in this pill are shown in different colours.

              Chewable Pills

              Chewable Pills

              Chewable Pills- Picture Courtesy:

              These pills are not directly swallowed, rather they are first chewed into smaller pieces before ingestion. These are alternative forms of medication and are usually available as nutrient supplements. These chewable pills have an appetizing taste, smell, and colour.

              Effervescent Pills

              Effervescent Pills

              Effervescent Pills- Picture Courtesy: Ocean Property

              These pills are another form of medicine pills. These are not ingested instead they are dissolved in water, emitting carbon-dioxide bubbles, and form a fizzy solution. Vitamins, minerals or other pharmaceutical drugs are available as effervescent pills. 

              Laundry Pills

              Laundry Pills

              Laundry Pills- Picture Courtesy: Urban Ethos

              Pill pressing machine also compresses detergent and other cleaning agent granules to form laundry pills. These pills are used for washing clothes.

              9.Does Pill Pressing Machine Offer Tooling Flexibility?

              Pill Pressing Machine Offer Tooling Flexibility

              Tooling in Pill Pressing Machine

              Yes, tooling versatility is one of the important benefits of the pill pressing machine. Toolings are important components of pill pressing machine and are called pill press tooling. Tooling is the dies and punches in the pill pressing machine that fashions different shapes of tablets.

              Different toolings have different shapes and sizes like normal round, oval, rectangular, and diamond. Moreover, they come with different embedded markings and logos by which different tablets are shaped. Regular tooling creates round-shaped pills. Special shapes or labels on the tooling fashion uniquely designed pills. This will help the manufacturer to overcome the issue of counterfeiting.

              10.Are There Different Turrets in Pill Pressing Machine?

              Turrets in Pill Pressing Machine

              Turret in Pill Pressing Machine- Picture Courtesy: Elizabeth Companies

              There are versatile turrets available in the pill pressing machine. These can be changed according to the design of the tooling. Turrets are interchanged by simply changing their base. This is an easy way to create turret adaptability in the pill pressing machine.

              Besides tooling, turrets are important in the pill pressing operation because they are used for holding both the punch and die cavity. Different numbers of turrets ranging from 15-75 are used in the pill pressing machine. The number of turrets depends upon the size, structure, and productivity of the machine.

              11.How to Maintain Pill Pressing Machine?

              Maintain Pill Pressing Machine

              Maintenance of Pill Pressing Machine

              For efficient operation and long-lasting machine life, it is a must to maintain the pill pressing machine properly. Maintenance increases machine efficiency and reduces downtime. Here is the maintenance schedule just for you:

              Daily Maintenance First, gently clean all the external surfaces of the machine like its frame to remove granule buildup and pill residues. Visually inspect every part of the machine for damage. Tighten loose bolts. Add lubricant if required.
              Weekly Maintenance Clean the machine fully once a week with mild detergent. Pay special attention to machine turret, punches, die, and cam. Oil every mobile part of the machine.
              Monthly Maintenance Conduct a thorough examination of the machine parts. Consider replacement parts if the damage is excessive. Calibrate machine pressure gauge and heating devices. Test the machine safety components and check their working order.
              Yearly Maintenance Replace the parts that show severe damage. Check the working condition of mechanical parts like motors, gears, bearings, etc. Inspect the working order of electric parts like wires, relays, cables, switches, etc. Replace them if needed.

              12.Does the Pill Pressing Machine Comply with Industrial Regulations?

              The answer is yes, pill pressing machine complies with industrial regulations to increase the safety of the operator and the quality of pills. These industrial regulations are:




              This stands for good manufacturing practices. These certifications are vital for pill pressing machine. It ensures that this machine is manufactured following quality standards. It ensures that this machine has ease in cleaning and prevention of cross-contamination, and it processes uniform quality pills.




              Pill pressing machine is manufactured and designed per the guidelines of the FDA. Also, the operation and maintenance of this machine comply with the regulations of the FDA.




              These certification in important for machine sold in the European Union and they ensures the safety and performance of the pill pressing machine. This certification states that the pill pressing machine meets the desired attribute and safety code of conduct.




              Pill pressing machine fulfils the required guidelines, safety regulations, and quality assurance tests imposed by the ISO. It is a fundamental certification recognized globally.



              FAT - Picture Courtesy: pharmaguideline

              This machine also fulfills the required protocols imposed by the factory acceptance test. It verifies that the working principle of this machine is safe and hygienic.

              13.What are Common Problems in Pill Pressing Machine? How To Remedy Them?

              Common problems in pill pressing machine are due to mechanical issues and formulation errors. However, these problems are easily resolved by understanding them and their causes. Some tips and tricks to resolve them are:

              Sticking of Pills

              Sticking of Pills

              Sticking of Pills- Picture Courtesy: Tianjiu

              Sticking occurs when the raw feed sticks to the exterior of punches due to the presence of granules clump.

              Causes Remedy
              It can occur due to high water content in the formulation and also due to non-uniform punch shape. Reformulate the formulation by adding binder and lubricant. Coat anti-stick agents on the surface of punches. Decrease the moisture content in the formulation.



              Capping of Pills- Picture Courtesy: Romaco

              It is defined as the incomplete separation of the top part of the pill from the rest of the body.

              Causes Remedy
              The capping issue is caused because of air trapped inside the pill during the compaction process. This could be due to poor compression forces, leading to poor bonding. Lack of binder in pill formulation. Non-uniform distribution of feed because of insufficient granule flow. Increase the compression force for sufficient bonding between granules. Add a binder to the formulation to increase its cohesivity. Decrease the granule size to enhance their flowability.



              Lamination of Pill- Picture Courtesy: Scientist Live

              It is defined as the splitting of pills into different horizontal layers.

              Causes Remedy
              Poor bonding between the granules. High moisture content decreases the stickiness between the granules. Air entrapment also decreases the adhesive between granule layers. Poor compression force also results in poor bonding. Uniformly distributing water content, binder, and granule size increases the bonding between layers. Decrease the water content between granules. Eliminate air by using granulating devices. Increase compaction pressure to optimize the compression process.



              Cracking of Pills- Picture Courtesy: Coloron

              Visible breaks on the surface of the pills is known as cracking.

              Causes Remedy
              Reduced cohesivity due to lower concentration of the binder. High compression force is exerted on the pills. Inadequate lubricant in the pill formulation. Increase the concentration of the binder. Lower the compression force. Increase the concentration of lubricant.

              Non-Uniformity in Weight of Pills

              Non-Uniformity in Weight of Pills

              Non-Uniformity in Weight of Pills

              There is inconsistency in the weight of pills across different batches.

              Causes Remedy
              Inadequate blending of the formulation. There is inconsistency in the size, density, and distribution of granules. Poor flowability of granules in the die cavity. High or low compression force. Properly blend formulation before tableting. Lower the variation in sizes, density, and distribution of granules. Increase the flow characteristics of granules. Ensure adequate compression force during tableting.

              14.What are the Consideration Factors You Should Know When Buying Pill Pressing Machine?

              Pill pressing machine come with a hefty price, so consider several factors to make your investment worth investing in. A list of important things that must be pondered on before purchase.

              Ponder on Production Capacity

              Ponder on Production Capacity

              Production Capacity

              Production capacity is determined by the number of pills produced by the pill pressing machine per hour, which is in turn related to the motor, station, and number of tooling devices. The higher the speed of the motor, the higher will be the production capacity.

              Calculate Your Budget

              Calculate Your Budget


              Secondly, after considering your production capacity, calculate the budget required for purchasing the pill pressing machine. It is important because high-speed industrial pill pressing machine has higher price tags. Also, you should not compromise on quality while checking the machine that fits your budget.

              Determine the Shape and Size of Pills

              Determine the Shape and Size of Pills

              Shape and Size of Pills

              Pills are available in various shapes and sizes, so determine your desired shape and size. These two parameters will determine the type of tooling. The latter is specific for the particular shape and size of pills.

              Go For Reputed Manufacturer

              Go For Reputed Manufacturer

              Reputed Manufacturer

              Positive reviews are the measure of the trust of consumers in the quality of service and products. Thus, go for a manufacturer that offers the highest quality products and services by looking through its reviews.


              No pharmaceutical industry is completed without a pill pressing machine. It is a superb machine commonly employed in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries because of its pill-forming characteristics. It is a versatile and precise equipment, producing a higher number of tablets per batch. If you require such equipment, then without delay contact our Allpack customer care, as we have the best pill pressing machine that will aid you in creating excellent quality pills.

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              CONTACT US

              Tell us your raw material and project budget to get quotations within 24 hours.

              WhatsApp Us: +86 181 7101 8586

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              Pill Pressing Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »

              Tablet Machine-3

              Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

              Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

              How tablet machine significant?

              In today’ blog post, you will be known about this robust and reliable machine which has wide and broad applications around the globe. Now you can enjoy making tablets of various shape, weights, sizes with professional results by using a tablet machine.

              Tablet Machine

              If you think, it will be an expensive machine or can not afford it. Then you might be wrong. Please read this blog and find out what’s more it offers you to with an astringent amount.

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                1.What is tablet machine?

                Tablet Machine-1

                Allpack Tablet Machine

                So basically, tablet machine is used to compress the granular or powdered material into tablets of different shapes and sizes to ensure uniform distribution of drug. That is why it is called as tablet machine or pill press. This machine is operated by series of steps such a powdered material is placed in die cavity, high pressures are applied and finally formed tablet is ejected.

                Such machines are commonly used in pharmaceutical and other related industries, where precise dosing, large production of batch with consistency and accuracy are required. These are important as they benefit the quality production with improved shelf life and stability. This minimal variation of dosage and sizes also improves the patient compliance because of familiar medication administration.

                2.What are advantages of tablet machine? Why it is Important?



                Every tablet has an active ingredient which plays a vital role in achieving maximum therapeutic effect, so tablet machines ensure the precise and accurate dosing with desired potency.



                The production of large amount of quality product with minimal manufacturing time, this throughput is essential to meet the demands of manufacturer.

                Quality control

                Quality control

                Quality Control- picture courtesy:

                Tablet machine ensures the overall quality of product. Variability within batches is strictly controlled in terms of size, shape weight variation to meet quality standards.



                Convenient equipment

                Tablet machine is preferred over many other equipment just because of convenient presses, and safe formation,

                3.What Industrial applications tablet machine offering its customers?

                Pharmaceutical industry

                Pharmaceutical industry

                Pharma tablets-- picture courtesy:

                Tablet machine is the vital part of this industry as it helps to manufacture a vast of array of medications with precise dosing and potency meeting all regulatory requirements.

                Nutraceutical industry

                Nutraceutical industry

                Vitamin supplements

                 A supplement such as dietary vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and bioactive compounds lies in such category. Tablet machines make sure precise dosing to meet consumer and market demands.

                Cosmetic Industry

                Cosmetic Industry

                Pressed powder- picture courtesy: beautymag

                Compressed eyeshades pallets, blushes, foundation cakes are also produced by such machines. These machines ensures the consistent texture and colors of cosmetic formulation to meet consumer demand.

                Confectionary Industry

                Confectionary Industry

                Candy tablets

                In this industry, these machine enables the uniform size and weight of confectionary products such as  candies , mint lozenges to appeal consumers.

                Chemical Industry

                Chemical Industry

                Chemical Tablets

                Tablet machine is used to compressed active chemicals to solid tablet formulation. These tablets are used as catalyst, disinfectants or agrochemicals.

                4.What is classification of tablet machine?

                classification of tablet machine

                Tablet Machine- picture courtesy: Ricardo

                Tablet machines are of various kinds and types , commonly they could be classified on following factors , operating principle, feature  design , production capacity and limitation and their automation level.

                Classification of Tablet Machine-1

                Classification of Tablet Machine

                Operating principle

                Single punch Tablet machine

                Single punch Tablet machine

                Allpack Single Punch Tablet Machine

                These machines are suitable for low scale production or for laboratory use, as it uses only single punch to compress the granulated or powdered material into tablets.

                Rotary Tablet machine

                Tablet Machine-1

                Allpack Rotary Punch Tablet Machine

                These machines are very efficient are highly recommended for large scale production as it as multiple die cavities and punches arranged on a rotating turret. High pressures are applied to compress the powder into tablet. It basically has a platform to hold dies and punches for tablet formation. Therefore, we can classify tablet machines according to turret type either rotary turrets or oscillating turrets.

                Production capacity

                Small scale Tablet machine

                Small scale Tablet machine

                Allpack Single Punch Tablet Machine

                 These machines are used for small to moderate level of production volume used mainly in laboratories or small pharmaceutical facilities.

                Medium scale Tablet machine

                Medium scale Tablet machine

                Flower Basket Tablet Machine- Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                 These machines are used for larger to moderate production volumes but not suitable for industrial scale.

                High speed tablet Machine

                High speed tablet Machine

                Aipak High speed tablet press

                These machines are capable of producing thousands of tablets per minute, ideal for large pharmaceutical industries where bulk amount of tablet formation is required. In this type, following sub-types of tablet machine are categorized.

                Compressed Biscuit Tablet Machine

                Compressed Biscuit Tablet Machine

                Allpack compressed Biscuit Tablet Machine

                This type of tablet machine is specifically dedicated to manufacturing civilians' and military hard food that stays longer and fresh. This machine is based on rotary working those compresses biscuits and is considered as a key element behind its working.

                Effervescent High Speed Tablet Machine

                Effervescent High Speed Tablet Machine

                Allpack Effervescent High Speed Tablet Machine

                This is kind of double tablet press giving you high production of effervescent tablets with special carving shapes firmly pressed into circular shapes. This machine is capable of producing single, bi-layer or multi-layer tablets which has high demand in medicinal sectors.

                Automation level

                Manual Tablet machine

                Manual Tablet machine

                Manual Tablet Machine

                Such machines are operated manually that means it require manual filling of die cavity with material to form a tablet.

                Semi-Automatic Tablet Machine

                Semi-Automatic Tablet Machine

                Semi automatic tablet machine- picture courtesy: aipak

                These machines are not fully automatic means it requires human intervention in feeding the die and ejecting a tablet.

                Fully automatic Tablet Machine

                Fully automatic Tablet Machine

                Fully automatic Tablet Machine- Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                These types of machines are fully automated, means minimal to no human intervention required in tablet formation processes. All the steps are done by machine itself.

                5.What is machine structure of tablet machine?

                machine structure of tablet machine

                Allpack tablet machine

                Tablet machines comprise of various parts and each part has different function to perform, following are the details.

                Stainless steel hopper

                Stainless steel hopper is made up of alloy which is composed of iron, chromium and nickel. This stainless steel is commonly used in pharmaceutical and food processing because of its anti-corrosive and hygienic properties.

                Transparent sheet

                The transparent sheet made up of polycarbonate or acrylic is used as a protective layer and also provides visibility of the interior of machine and technically prevent from potential hazards.

                Tablet machine turntable

                Tablet machines have a rotating platform for processing or assembling which comprises of compartments or stations where multiple tasks takes place like filling, compression, ejection in tablet formation.

                Press control frequency controller

                This part of tablet machine is responsible for regulating the speed and frequency of Tablet machine. It uses variable frequency drive to adjust motor speed for allowing the adjustments to particular production rates.

                Exhaust outlet

                Every machine has an opening to get rid of excess air , dust or fumes generated during process of tablet formation. This vent keeps the environment safe and clean from air borne particles which could lead to contamination.

                Adjustable filling mechanisms

                In tablet machine you can adjust the amount of material filled in a die mold or cavity by adjustable filling mechanism. With this mechanism we can control the amount of active ingredient dispensed, fill depth capacity, adjustable auger speed so that one could attain the uniformity in weight and accuracy.

                Emergency switch

                To avoid potential hazard or unwanted injuries, there is a prominent button clearly labeled so that one could press to stop the machine is a safety device that when pressed will halts the device in emergency.

                Electric switch

                Electric switch is responsible for power supply to the machine, it has several buttons to turn on or off, adjust specific setting of machines and to activate certain functions.

                6.What is the working of tablet machine?

                The working of the tablet machine involves several steps which are explained below:



                Filling- Picture courtesy: ipharmachine

                Filling is the first step in which powdered or granulated material is filled into hopper. Hopper led the powder to flow in the feeding unit called as feeding frame. Then feeding frame evenly distribute powder into the die cavity.




                Second working step is metering also called as weighing or dosage, in which precise amount of powder id weighed and then lower punch moves upward to remove excess material.



                Compression- Picture Courtesy: Fluidpack

                Compression is the third step; force is applied to compress powder into tablet. Furthermore, this process involves two steps known as pre compression and main compression.

                In pre compression stage the upper punch descends downward to compress powder slightly and remove air pockets.

                In main compression stage both the punches are brought together with much higher force to compress the powder so that it would attain the shape of tablet.



                Ejection of multi-layer tablets

                Ejection is the last step in which the upper punch moves upward. Lower punch following the upper punch will raise the ejection and the tablets are ejected from the die bore to the scrapper, therefore scrapper will move the formed tablets into the container.

                7.What is tooling of tablet machine?

                To ensure the uniformity in shape sizes weight there are set of components in Tablet machine which are commonly referred as tooling. The primary components of the tooling tablet machines are:


                tooling of tablet machine

                Punches of tablet machine

                Punches are the solid metal rod with specific sizes or imprint on it and it is used to compress the powder to form a tablet. There are two types of punches upper punch and lower punch. Upper punches descend from the turret or cam to compress the powder while lower punch rise to eject the formed tablet.



                Dies of Tablet Machine

                Dies are the solid metal mold which defines the size and shape of the tablets. Dies are arranged in a circular pattern on a turret or a rotary stand on a single punch machine.  Each die consists of a punch cavity the upper die compresses the powder while the lower die ejects the formed tablet.

                Die table

                Die table

                Die Table

                It is a platform where all the dies a mounted. It rotates so that it could adjust the beneath die and adjust the indexes to carry out compression and ejection.

                Die locks

                Die locks

                Die Lock

                 Die locks are the phenomena to secure the dies in place during compression. They prevent dies from shifting under high pressure. They also ensure the uniformity in tablet thickness and prevent the damage of tooling.

                Cam tracks

                Cam tracks

                Cam Track

                These are the channels or the grooves in the Tablet machine which ensure the correct placement and movement of the dies and punches during compression and ejection in tablet formation. It also ensures the precise alignment of upper and lower dies and punches.

                8.How to maintain a tablet machine?

                maintain a tablet machine

                Maintaining a tablet machine- Picture courtesy: scientist live

                Daily inspections and regular tunes ups are primarily required for the maintenance of the machine. Waiting for malfunction or unwanted incidents may halt the manufacturing processes which may cause a loss to economy in both ways like not meeting up the consumer requirement plus the wearing and tearing of machine parts.

                Therefore, good preventive measures should be taken, and main principles must be followed,

                • Excessive wear: when parts are not aligning correctly the will start to be wear off and damaged.
                • Erratic compression and inconsistent weight control: it’s also an indicator to check whether machine is working promptly according to intended guidelines.
                • Poor yield: utilization of damaged machine parts mostly results in extra unwanted loss.
                • Migration of product outside zone: this is an indication of poorly adjusted part or utilization of damaged parts or seals.
                • Weird noises: operators must be monitoring unwanted sound and noises or extra vibration which is sign of damaged parts or misaligned parts.
                • Each and every part should be inspected regularly, informal or casual inspection may help to get rid of the problems or the problems are caught early.

                9.What type of tablets can be produced from tablet machine?

                Tablets are readily available in variety of ranges which differ in sizes or shapes. Variable tablet types are as follows.

                Single layer tablet

                Single layer tablet: Single layer tablets are those which have single active pharmaceutical ingredient.

                Bilayer tablets

                Bilayer tablets:  bilayer tablets are made as the first layer with active ingredient is compressed and then other powdered material are kept on formed tablet and compressed together to form a bilayer tablet.

                Multilayer tablet

                Multilayer tablet: multilayer tablet is those which comprises of more than two active ingredient, the purpose of this tablet is to pave off the effective drug delivery system

                Effervescent tablet

                Effervescent tablet: effervescent tablets are carbon tablets normally larger than standard tablet and intended to dissolve in liquids.

                Chewable Tablets

                Chewable Tablets: are those ingested upon chewing and obtain active compounds. 

                Laundry Tablets

                Laundry Tablets: are those used for laundry purposes that produce foaming effects when react with water and cleanse the sticky and hard stains.

                Medicine Tablet

                Medicine Tablet: which is entirely made up of medicinal active pressed firmly by a tablet machine that exerts therapeutic effect upon ingestion.

                10.What are the solutions and problems of tablet machines?

                While working with tablet machine manufacturer must experiences some pitfalls but the expert is one who knows how to overcome the problem.

                Capping of tablet after compression

                Capping of tablet after compression

                Capping- Picture Courtesy: Sciendirect

                This is because of the trapped air inside the die cavity and extra dry nature of the granulated or powdered material. This is overcome by increasing the dwell time of pre compression stage so the it will get extra time to come out. Make the use of enough lubricant for the compression of powder.

                Lamination of tablets

                Lamination of tablets

                Lamination- Picture Courtesy: Merlin Powder

                Over compression or the inappropriate dies can cause the tablet to get cracked. So to avoid this one must enhance pre compression time to lead powders to stick together. To avoid lamination, tapered dies must be used.

                Tablet particles stick to the punch or tip heads

                Tablet particles stick to the punch or tip heads

                Particles stick to the punch- Picture Courtesy: Pharm Tech

                This is one of the major serious issues caused when particles from inside are wet , not dried completely tend to stick to punches. Sometime punching tools are also responsible for particles picking. Solution to such problem is increasing the pre compression dwell time for complete drying up of particles. After wet granulation particles must be given extra drying time. Regular polishing of pinches and dies will also reduce the tablets sticking to their heads.

                Tablets binding happen inside the die restricting the way for tablet ejection

                Tablet fails to ejects

                Tablet fails to ejects- Picture Courtesy: Tablet and capsule

                When too much binding agent is used this leads the tablets to hold itself to die cavity and end result is a crumbled tablet when ejected. To avoid this problem binding and lubricating agent must be added carefully, and also makes sure that mixture is well dried.

                Tablets friability

                Tablets friability

                Tablet Friability- Picture Courtesy: Biogrund

                When the granule with no fine powder is used, less binders are used, high compression speed is set, these all may encompasses the various problems of tablets in packaging, delivery, and coating. Solution to this problem is simple and easy, just use correct number of binders and maintain a suitable compression speed. Furthermore, also reduce the size of granules.


                A tablet machine is mandatory not only for pharmaceuticals company but also for various field of manufacturing. Machine is offering promising production with even weight and sizes of tablets using correct and refined configurations to meet your expectations. When choosing a tablet machine, consider Allpack to get programmable equipment in a pocket friendly manner. Please contact us for more information & support.

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                Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »

                Tablet Machine Press-3

                Tablet Machine Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                Tablet Machine Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                Is your business related to tablet manufacturing? Does your process involve usage of a tablet machine press for making different types of tablets? Are you looking for a high quality and efficient tablet machine press? Does your system require a tablet machine press to enhance productivity and meet customer expectations?

                Tablet Machine Press

                If you want to know more related to a tablet machine press; then you are on the right platform. You will get all related information that will help you in selecting the right type of tablet machine press. Go through the complete guide and get solutions to your queries.

                  Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                  1.What Is A Tablet Machine Press?

                  A Tablet Machine Press

                  Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                  A tablet press machine is highly efficient and precise equipment used to produce uniform sized tablets of different shapes and formulations.

                  Pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics and chemical industries widely apply these machines in their tablet forming processes to get desired outputs with high productivity rate. These machine presses are mostly used in large scale industries where bulk tablets are produced with accuracy and same dosage formulation.

                  2.What Are The Industrial Applications Of A Tablet Machine Press?

                  Industrial Applications Of A Tablet Machine Press

                  Due to its ability to produce large numbers of tablets in a short period of time, a tablet machine press has variety of applications in daily life. Most of the industries that prefer these machines for their operations are:

                  Pharmaceutical Industry

                  Pharmaceutical Industry

                  Pharma Applications Of Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Adinath International

                  Pharmaceutical industry widely uses tablet machine press for producing mass number of tablets with different tablet formulations. Each of the tablets has its own chemical composition and used to diagnose its relative disease. These machines are used due to their ability to form accurate drug content tablets keeping the dosage unique throughout the process. Also, tablets are of effective designs with brand name punched on it during production

                  Food & Nutraceutical Industry

                  Nutraceutical Industry

                  Whole Food Multi-Vitamin - Picture Courtesy: Wholesome

                  Other than pharmaceutical industry, food and nutraceutical industries also have several applications of a tablet machine press. It is used produced different types of vitamins and minerals supplements that are consumed to improve physical health conditions. Some flavored candies and mints that in the shape of tablets are also produced using these machines.

                  Chemical Industry

                  Chemical Industry

                  Agricultural Tablets For Farm Growth

                  Chemically processed tablets that are employed in chemical, agricultural and refinery industries are manufactured using a tablet machine press. These tablets are used to enhance industrial process, fertilize agricultural lands and increase reaction rates respectively.

                  Cosmetics Industry

                  Cosmetics Industry

                  Hand wash Refill Tablets- Picture Courtesy: Jason

                  In terms of cosmetics, tablets that are used to promote human health both internally and externally are ideally produced using a tablet machine press. Unique types of tablets used for body wash purpose like fizzy coloring tablets and skin care tablets are also produced in an efficient way.

                  3.What Are The Advantages Of A Tablet Machine Press?

                  Some of the advantages of a tablet machine press are:

                  Efficient Production

                  Efficient Production

                  Multi-Vitamin Tablets- Picture Courtesy: Efficient Group

                  The most important benefit of a tablet machine press is that it gives high rate of production in just a short interval of time with pure efficiency and precision. From loading of material to ejection of tablets, the complete process is performed in an efficient way without any chances of risk or improper formulation.



                  Uniform Tablet Punching - Picture Courtesy: Pharmaceutical Online

                  Each of the tablets produced in a tablet machine press is of same shape, size and dosage formation. This benefit makes the machine to ensure proper uniformity and consistency throughout the process that as it remain crucial of human health.

                  Dosage Control

                  Dosage Control

                  Control Dosage Formation - Picture Courtesy: NB

                  A tablet machine press is capable of controlling dosage of different types of medicines in a precise manner that no over or under filing of material can be found.



                  Pharmaceutical Dosage Form - Picture Courtesy: Walrus Health

                  A tablet machine press is versatile in a way that numbers of tablets can be produced in a single machine and there is no need to buy different machine for different shapes and sizes. Variety of formulations can easily be handled in it by just changing the turret size or dies according to the required shape.

                  4.What Are The Different Types Of Tablets Are Processed In A Tablet Machine Press?

                  Variety of tablets can be processed in a tablet machine press irrespective of their chemical composition and texture. These tablets highly obey regulatory compliances and international standards during their formation. Few of them are:

                  Chewable Tablets

                  Chewable Tablets

                  IROWHIZ Plus Chewable Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Whiz Laboratories

                  Tablet machine press is also designed in a way that chewable tablets consumed by children can be produced in it easily. Supplements made of vitamins and antacids are included in the category of chewable tablets.

                  Effervescent Tablet

                  Effervescent Tablet

                  Benefits Of Effervescent Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Wellbeing Nutrition

                  Effervescent tablets are the tablets that contain sodium bicarbonate or citric acid in them that play their role as an effervescent agent. These tablets can easily be produced using effervescent type rotary tablet machine press that allows the impact remain for a longer period.

                  Laundry Tablet

                  Laundry Tablet

                  Laundry Washing Machine Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Wash Wink

                  Laundry or solid tablets that are used for washing or detergent purpose are also manufactured using a tablet machine press. It completely dissolves in water and releases its active ingredient that supports in clean and authentic neatness of cloths and cottons.

                  Medicine Tablet

                  Medicine Tablet

                  Antibiotics Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Anhui Medipharm Co. Ltd.

                  Simple pharmaceuticals tablets that contain an active ingredient and can easily be swallowed are termed as medicine tablets. These are punch in different shapes and size depending upon their stability and used for specific medical treatments.

                  Single Layer Tablets

                  Single Layer Tablets

                  Single Layered Tablet - Picture Courtesy: Medelpharm

                  Tablets that have a single layer of powder and compressed with force to form a tablet are single layer tablets. These are coating further to improve their stability and to make their taste remain for longer durations.

                  Multi-layer Tablets

                  Multi-layer Tablets

                  Formulating Bi-Layer Tablets

                  Tablets with more than one layer of different formulations are called bi or multi layered tablets. These are consumed for treatment of controlled diseases with having more than one drug in its layer. Antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs tablets are the example of multi-layered tablets.

                  5.How Is A Tablet Formed In A Tablet Machine Press?

                  A Tablet Machine Press-2

                  Application Of Rotary Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: SED Pharma

                  A tablet machine press has following operational steps in formulation of a tablet:

                  STEP 1: Material Feeding

                  In the initial stage the formulated material in the form of powder or granule is filled into the hopper present at the top of a tablet machine press. From here the material in a homogeneous manner passes the feeding system and is entered into the die cavity.

                  STEP 2: Compression

                  In the second step once the material settles down properly in the die cavity, both the upper and lower punches are forced to compress the material to form the desired dimension and shape of tablet.  Certain pressure is exerted so that the formation may be carried out in a controlled atmosphere and no material spillage may occur.

                  STEP 3: Ejection

                  The last step of a tablet machine press is ejection of tablets. Once the tablets are properly pressed according to the desired shape and size, the ejection system gets activated that removes the tablet from the die cavity. A conveying mechanism is incorporated here for travelling and collection of these tablets.

                  6.What Are The Types Of Tablet Machine Press Available Globally?

                  Tablet machine presses are classified on the basis of their working, production capacity and product type. Some of the common types of a tablet machine press are

                  Types Of Tablet Machine

                  Based On Working

                  Single Punch Tablet Machine Press

                  Single Punch Tablet Machine Press

                  Single Punch Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: SED Pharma

                  Single punch tablet machine press is mostly used in small scale industries where the productivity remains low. This type of machine presses only a single tablet in the die cavity in a single punch and allows the second once it gets completely ejected from the system. The punching capability of this type of machine ranges 55 to 90 tablets per minute.

                  Flower Basket Tablet Machine Press

                  Flower Basket Tablet Machine Press

                  High Pressure Flower Basket Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Changzhou Machinery

                  A flower basket tablet machine press is also used in small scale industries where smaller batches or tablets are produced. These machines are highly versatile that it can be used for electronics components, coffee pill formation and other tablets formation regardless of their nature.

                  A flower basket tablet machine has both force feed and compression principle that supports in efficient manufacturing of tablets. The working wheel of machine looks like a flower and this is why it is named according to it.

                  Rotary Tablet Machine Press

                  Rotary Tablet Machine Press

                  Rotary Tablet Machine Press

                  This type of tablet machine press is the most featured and arranged equipment that can accumulate large number of tablets in shorted periods. The turret of a rotary tablet machine press continuously moves and allows the feeding material to the die cavities. With series of punch sets, variety of shapes and sizes are punched in a single round. These machines are mostly used in large scale industries where the productivity remains high.

                  Based On Capacity

                  Depending upon the production requirement, tablet machine press is divided into two types

                  Small Capacity Tablet Machine

                  Small Capacity Tablet Machine

                  Low Capacity Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  As the name indicates, this type of tablet machine press is designed for low-capacity manufacturing facilities that produce tablets for either testing or research purposes. Different types of granular or powdered material can easily be punched to produce many kinds of tablets.

                  Large Capacity/High-Speed Tablet Machine Press

                  High-Speed Tablet Machine Press

                  High-Speed High Capacity Series Rotary Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  A high-speed tablet machine press allows more than one tablet formation in a single round. It is most suitable for mass production setups where a greater number of tablets are produced in a shorter period. It is applicable to both medium and large-scale industries that produced irregular tablets, round shaped tablets and double sided engraved tablets.

                  Based On Products

                  Some of the tablet machine press are also classified depending upon the product they produce. Example of such type are:

                  Compressed Rotary Block Tablet Machine Press

                  Compressed Rotary Block Tablet Machine Press

                  Rotary Block Press (Compressed Biscuit Making Machine) - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  This type of tablet machine press is used in food industry due to compressed biscuits manufacturing. The biscuit powder undergo high pressure compression applied by both upper and lower punches and as a results gives tablet like compressed biscuits. These biscuits are used for a longer period as it remains fresh and preserved.

                  Effervescent Rotary Tablet Machine Press

                  Effervescent Rotary Tablet Machine Press

                  Effervescent Rotary Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  Some of the tablet machine presses also produce effervescent and aromatic tablets. These tablets are produced in a way that their aroma remains preserved for longer periods. It is a highly advanced machine that is developed with latest rotary mechanism in it.

                  Multi-Color Tablet Machine Press

                  Multi-Color Tablet Machine Press

                  Multi-Color Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  Multi-color tablet machine press is used to produced large number of tablets with more than two colors in its formation. These machines have double press rollers in their structure that supports compression of multi colored layers with precision and accuracy.

                  7.What Are The Main Components Of A Tablet Machine Press?

                  Components Of A Tablet Machine Press

                  Components Of A Tablet Machine Press – Picture Courtesy: Aipak Pharma

                  Some of the components of a tablet machine press are


                  It is the main part of the feeding mechanism in a tablet machine press that holds the powdered or granule material used for tablet formation. The hopper is mostly made-up of stainless steel so that contamination can be avoided and it can be used for a longer period.

                  Organic Glass

                  The outer most transparent glass surface is made up of organic glass in a tablet machine press. This organic glass contains acrylic material composition that helps in safe guarding the inner part of the machine from external microbes or environmental factors.

                  Rotary Table

                  In a rotary tablet machine press, a rotary table is the place that contains the die cavities, upper and lower punches and cam turrets that are responsible for making of tablets. The upper punch moves up and down continuously for tablet formation whereas the movement of turret allows new material to enter and formed tablets to exit the system.

                  Adjusting Handle

                  The adjusting handle is used to adjust the speed of the rotary table and prevents material spillage.

                  Cam Truck

                  Cam Truck

                  Tablet Press Cam Truck

                  Cam trucks are the one that supports and guide the movement of punches. Both of the upper and lower punch movement is first guided so that the material can be filled accurately first and then compressed to produce tablets.

                  Die Cavity

                  Die Cavity

                  Die Cavities Of Tablet Machine Press - Picture Courtesy: Aipak

                  It is a hollow surface that is responsible to store the powdered or granular material in it that is to undergo tablet manufacturing. A die cavity is designed according to the shape of tablet and can easily be replaced for variety of batches.



                  Right Type Of Punch And Dies - Picture Courtesy: LFA Tablet Presses

                  Punches are mostly made up of stainless steel and in pair of upper and lower punch. Once the material is filled in the die cavity, both the punches compress the material with a certain force to form tablet.

                  Tablet Adjuster

                  Tablet Adjuster

                  Tablet Adjusting Mechanism - Picture Courtesy: LFA Machines

                  To avoid over and under filling of material, tablet adjuster is there to maintain the level of material and regulates the excess amount of tablet to maintain the composition and formulation.

                  Compressing Unit

                  Compressing Unit

                  Tablet Compression - Picture Courtesy: Pharma Education

                  A compressing unit a tablet machine press helps in providing the compression force in an automatic manner. The pre-compressor force exits air content from the die cavity and the main compressor force helps in forming tablets.

                  Operational Panel

                  An operational contains all the machine controls that are involved in the manufacturing of tablets. The speed of turret, upper and low punch, material feeding speed, temperature and other controls are present here that are directly in contact with the operator so adjustment can be done when required.

                  Discharge Port

                  This is the place from where the completely punched and produced tablets are taken out of the system. The discharge port acts as an ejection system in a tablet machine press.

                  Danger Button

                  A danger button is used in case of any emergency or machine failure. It directly stops the whole process and avoids any unwanted incident.

                  Electric Box

                  The relays and other electrical connection of a tablet machine press are present in the electrical appliance box that support machines working.

                  The electrical power whether its 110V, 220V or 440V is supplied to the machine through this power plug. It is used to power up the machine to perform its operation in a smooth manner.

                  8.What Is Tablet Tooling Of Tablet Machine Press?

                  Tablets tooling has the most fundamental role in tablet formation as it specifies which type, size and shape of tablet will be formed. The tablet tooling of a tablet machine press contains the die cavities and both upper and lower punches that are the essential blocks of any tablet formation. These can easily be changed according to the requirement.

                  Die Cavity

                  Die Cavity-1

                  Die Table Of Tablet Machine

                  The die cavity holds both the upper and lower punches that are fixed with a turret. It is mostly made up of metal and has a defined shape and size according to that of a tablet. These are arranged properly to perform the compression process in an efficient manner.



                  Tablet Compression Tooling - Picture Courtesy: VORTEX

                  With the spinning of this turret, the upper punch moves downward to perform compression. The lower punch on the other hand holds the material that is to be compressed. The tablet tooling performs a synchronous operation for every punch so that each of the tablets remains identical and uniform.

                  9.What Are Different Diameter Of Tablet Dia Used In Tablet Machine Press?

                  Diameter Of Tablet Dia

                  Tablet Die And Punches Of Different Dia- Picture Courtesy: Shree Bhagwati

                  Different diameters of tablets dia are used in a tablet machine press according to the size and shape of tablet. These are mainly classified into B, D, BB and DB with standard barrel and outer diameters for lower and upper punches. The standard sizes of these tooling types are

                  S.NO Tooling Type Tablet Punch Barrel Diameter Tablet Outer Diameter Of Die
                  1 D 25.40 mm 38.10 mm
                  2 B 19.00 mm 30.16 mm
                  3 DB 19.00 mm 24.00 mm
                  4 BB 25.40 mm 30.16 mm

                  These standards diameters of tablet tooling are used depending upon the size and shape of any manufacturing batch.

                  10.How Can Different Sizes Of Turrets Used In A Single Tablet Machine Press?

                  Sizes Of Turrets

                  Tablet Press Turret - Picture Courtesy: Elizabeth Companies

                  Yes, Turret is a highly versatile equipment that it can easily be changed with respect to the tablet tooling set. They are interchangeable by easily swapping the base and allow the operator to adjust them according to the requirement. In this way a single machine can accommodate variety of turrets with flexibility.

                  In the operation of a tablet machine press, turret plays an important role as it is responsible to hold both the punch set and die cavity. Different types of machine use different number of turrets depending upon their productivity and structural support. A turret can support die sets ranging from 15 to 75 depending upon the size of machine.

                  11.What Are The Major Differences Between A Handheld Tablet Press And A Tablet Machine Press?

                  Handheld Tablet Press And A Tablet Machine Press

                  Difference Between Handheld And Tablet Machine Press

                  Some of the differences between a handheld tablet press and tablet machine press are:

                  S.NO Parameter Handheld Tablet Press Tablet Machine Press
                  1 Structure A handheld tablet press is smaller in size and can easily be moved from one place to another. It is lighter in weight and mostly made up of stainless steel to prevent corrosion. The structure of a tablet machine press is quite complex as it has various components involved in tablet press process. These machines are designed in a way that continuous production can be support without any involvement of operator.
                  2 Productivity Handheld tablet presses are operated by the operator and this is why its productivity is very low. The speed of the operator is directly related to the outcome of press. Highly automated machines are now available that ease the manual operation and run the process in a smooth manner. Thousands of tablets can be produced in just a small fraction of time.
                  3 Precision Due to the involvement of operator, the precision and accuracy of tablet formation remain limited as compare to the tablet machine press. Inconsistency can also be observed if the operator does not monitor the process continuously. The productivity remains highly precise and accurate with consistent material composition in each of the tablet. Uniform tablets are produced using a tablet machine press.
                  4 Application Handheld tablet presses are applied in industries that have small scale production volume or for research and development purpose. Both medium and large-scale industries are the users of tablet machine press where tablets are produced in bulk quantity.

                  12.How Can The Efficiency Of Tablet Formation Remain Same Using A Tablet Machine Press?

                  It is always a crucial thing to maintain the efficiency of a tablet machine press same throughout the process so that tablets of identical shape and accurate composition can be formed. Some of the important factors to consider are:

                  Compression Force

                  Compression Force

                  Healthcare Medication- Picture Courtesy: Freepik

                  It is always important to check the applied compression force of upper and lower punch after a certain production batch. It is done to ensure that no over or under force is applied in tablet formation and the efficiency of system remains same.

                  Uniform Depth Filling

                  Uniform Depth Filling

                  Uniformity In Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Natural Products Insider

                  Each of the tooling die cavity must be filled to its depth so that the desired tablets can be formed in an efficient manner. If the depth is not filled properly it will give uneven and improperly formed tablets.

                  Right Type Of Tooling Set

                  Right Type Of Tooling Set

                  Tablet Tooling Sets - Picture Courtesy: Elizabeth Companies

                  Before performing tablet formation, it is always important to ensure that the right type of tablet tooling sets is fit into the turret. If this is not observed keenly than it can result a bulk amount of material loss.

                  13.How To Maintain A Tablet Machine Press For Its Smooth Operation?

                  A Tablet Machine Press For Its Smooth Operation

                  Operation And Maintenance

                  A tablet machine press can be maintained by following ways:

                  Preventive Maintenance

                  Preventive Maintenance

                  Preventive Maintenance- Picture Courtesy: Korsch

                  It is always important to maintain a preventive maintenance chart and decide its frequency. Each of the part of a tablet machine press should be monitored according to its turn and replace if required to maintain the efficiency of the system.



                  Lubrication of Movable parts

                  As a tablet machine press has few moveable parts, it is important to keep them lubricated so that any type of wear and tear can be avoided. It can help in long usage of these parts in an efficient and precise way.

                  Controlling Excessive Wear

                  Controlling Excessive Wear

                  Controlling Excessive Wear- Picture Courtesy: Korsch

                  One of the important factors that can support in maintaining a tablet machine press is control of excessive wear. If the alignment of punches or die cavity is disturbed, it will automatically result in inconsistent movement and the compression process cannot be carried out in a smooth manner. It is always important to control this wear so that the operation can be performed efficiently.


                  A tablet machine press has variety of applications due to its high reliability and tablet formation features. It produces highly precise and uniform tablets of various sizes and shapes. But when it comes to buying a tablet machine press it is always important to understand its applications, types available and all related information. For this, Allpack is always here to provide you assistance and guidance related to a tablet machine press. If you still have any query feel free to contact our customer representatives that are available 24/7 for your guidance.

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                  Tablet Machine Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »


                  Rotary Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                  Rotary Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                  With unprecedential advancements in technology, manufacturers are now looking forward for sophisticated equipment to boost their production instead of just switching the mode from manual to automatic. In such a scenario, when focus is more on efficiency, precision, and performance a rotary tablet machine is always the best choice for making tablets.

                  Rotary Tablet Machine

                  Rotary Tablet Machine is a complex machine designed with innovative features to tackle tablets manufacturing targets. It can raise your current output rate to the best possible one. But, how it can be possible with a single machine? What is the exact working mechanism of a rotary tablet machine? Are there further models of a rotary tablet machine? Just take a pause, as we are about to answer all of these queries. So, let's get started!

                    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                    1.What Is A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    Allpack Rotary Tablet Press Machine ZP-5B

                    Rotary tablet machine, also known as multi-station tablet press, is an electric machine created to compress powders and granules into tablets. The machine uses automatic technology to carry out this task in a way where the dry mixture is precisely poured into relevant die cavities, compressed hardly, and the formed tablets are ejected out of machine.

                    This machine is highly efficient in its production while taking care of dosage. It is made up of GMP's regulated stainless steel body and a protected window. Moreover, it is highly versatile in terms of manufacturing different types of tablets. That's why its significance is realized in almost every sector.

                    2.Why Rotary Tablet Machine Is Important In Pharmacy?

                    Important In Pharmacy

                    Doctor picking drug pack- Picture Courtesy:

                    The presence of a rotary tablet machine is inevitable in pharmaceutical industry due to the nature of manufacturing in this field. This machine has gained a position of importance in pharmacy due to multiple reasons among with the prominent one is efficiency.

                    Rotary tablet machine produces thousands of tablets in an hour which make it possible to deliver required drugs to patients all around the globe. Another reason is the protection of medication mixture which is highly considered in pharmacy because minor mistake can ruin the effect of drugs. But here the machine is proficient in forming precise tablets.

                    3.Write Down The Benefits Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    Rotary tablet machine can be advantageous for you in multiple ways. Below highlighted benefits are some of the prominent ones:



                    Bilayer tablets discharging from machine- Picture Courtesy:

                    Rotary tablet machine is known for its consistent working process which ultimately leads to the production of myriad of tablets in a single run. Hence, its efficiency can enhance your manufacturing output.



                    Drug safety presentation idea- Picture Courtesy: iStock

                    By using a rotary tablet machine, you will not be bothered to take the risk like manually intervening into the operation if spontaneous error occurs, rather pressing emergency button will stop the machine. Similarly, the protected body of machine is highly antibacterial that it safely processes the mixture without modifying its characteristics.


                    Rotary tablet machine promotes user convenience due to its easy-to-use operation panel through which operator can communicate with the machine. Moreover, the machine does not require number of labours, but single user is enough to run the machine.



                    Bilayer tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    Rotary tablet machine is highly resilient due to its capability to press eclectic sizes and shapes of tablets. Moreover, there is wide collection of rotary tablet machine models which enable you to form bilayer, multilayer, and effervescent tablets.


                    Manufacturers look for cost-effective machines to cut the production costs of tablets. In this way, a rotary tablet machine is extremely reliable which requires low maintenance, single operator, and ultimately reducing the additional expenses.

                    4.What Type Of Tablets Can Be Made By A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    All kinds of small to large with different sizes and shapes tablets can be made by a rotary tablet machine. Below is the glimpse of these all:

                    Single Layer Tablets

                    Single Layer Tablets

                    Patient holding single layer tablet in hand- Picture Courtesy:

                    Single layer tablet is a standard type of tablet where single Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient is delivered to patients. Such tablets are always perfectly formed by a rotary tablet machine.

                    Bilayer Tablets

                    Bilayer Tablets

                    Bilayer tablets- Picture Courtesy: Fette Compacting

                    As the name indicates, bilayer tablets are tablets containing two separate powered mixture compacted together. Their process of formation occurs in a way where first powder mixture is compressed and then second powder mixture is introduced over the formed tablets and compressed together. Such bilayer tablets can be easily made by a rotary tablet machine.

                    Multilayer Tablets

                    Multilayer Tablets

                    multilayer tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    Multilayer tablets refer to the tablets having three distinct dosages compacted together. The purpose of making multilayer tablets is to provide three different Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in a single tablet paving the way for effective drug delivery. Therefore, a rotary tablet machine is capable to form multilayer tablets.

                    Effervescent Tablets

                    Effervescent Tablets

                    Effervescent tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    Effervescent tablets are also called carbon tablets which are extra large in size than standard tablets. They are designed to quickly dissolve in liquid, therefore, most of the effervescent tablets contain calcium dosage and energy dosage. Here, it is pertinent to mention that a rotary tablet machine can be used to form effervescent tablets.

                    5.How Does A Rotary Tablet Machine Function?

                    The working process of a rotary tablet machine is based on certain steps where a turret moves in rotary direction and lead the powder to turn into tablets. This process can be better understood in by reading the underlying explanation:

                    Rotary Tablet Machine Function



                    Powder Filling- Picture Courtesy: LFA Machines

                    The first step is filling where bulk powder or granules mixture is filled into the hopper of machine. From hopper, the powder flows to feeding unit known as feed frame. This feed-frame then evenly distribute the powders into each passing die cavity.



                    Powder Metering- Picture Courtesy: LFA Machines

                    The second step is metering which is also known as dosage or weighing. In this step, the precise amount of powder is weighed after which the lower punches move upward to remove excess powder from die bore.



                    Tablets compression- Picture Courtesy: LFA Machines

                    In third step, the upper and lower punches are brought together with force to form the tablets. The compression stage can be further divided into pre-compression and main compression.

                    In pre-compression, the upper punch descends to press powder with little force for creating a slug to remove air pockets. After this, in main compression, both the upper and lower punches are brought together with much force which result in the formation of uniform tablets.



                    Tablets ejection- Picture Courtesy: LFA Machines

                    In last step, the upper punches move upward followed by the rise of lower punches in ejection can. Similarly, the tablets are ejected out of the die bore towards scrapper. The scraper then moves down the formed tablets down the ejection track into the container.

                    6.Describe The Various Components Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    Rotary tablet machine consists of several components which together help the machine to form tablets making function. These parts are explained below in detail along with the main task each perform. So, consider the following description:

                    Various Components Of A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    Components of Allpack ZP25 effervescent rotary tablet press machine


                    Hopper is sometimes called the feeder system of a rotary tablet machine. You will always find the location of a hopper on the top side of machine. The number of hoppers depends upon the type of machine; however, the common hopper is one or two in number. It provides the machine with dry powdered or granulated mixture.

                    Stainless Steel Body

                    The body of the machine is compact and robust that greatly contributes to supporting a stable operation. It is made up of GMP's regulation stainless steel material, which is fully protected against bacteria and corrosion, therefore, material is processed inside it.

                    Rotary Table

                    Rotary table is the core component of a rotary tablet machine which distinguishes it from other types of machines. The table itself is made up of further parts including:

                    Turret:It is the vital part of a rotary tablet machine with round structure having multiple holes where dies and punches are adjusted. During tablets compression, this turret rotates and lead dies and punches to compress powder.

                    Punches:Rotary tablet machine has two punches; upper punch and lower punch. These are durable stainless steel rod type tools having on their tips or heads the specific shape. Punches are vital in compressing powders into tablets through exertion of force.

                    Dies:Dies are among crucial components of a rotary tablet machine. They are small round tools with a single or multiple grooves where the lower and upper punch meet in order to compress the powder into tablets.

                    Compression Rolls:Compression rollers are cylindrical rollers who perform the function of pressing powder. They are two in number including pre-compression rolls and main compression rolls. The former compress powder to remove air, while as, the latter exert excessive pressure to form tablets.

                    Cam Tracks:As the name indicates, cam tracks are tools which provide track for the synchronized movement of punches.

                    Organic Glass

                    Rotary tablet machine has a transparent protected window that enable the user to monitor tablets making process without touching it.

                    Operation Panel

                    Operation panel is a board containing touch screen display and certain knobs through which the user set commands in machine such as the quantity of powder for each tablet, the thickness of tablets, and compression force etc.

                    Emergency Stop

                    Emergency stop is a red colored large size button located on the front of a rotary tablet machine. It is a safety switch used to shut down the machine in an emergency.

                    Electric Appliance Box

                    It is consistent the most vital component of a rotary tablet machine where all the electrical components are collectively placed for supporting smooth functioning.

                    Adjusting Handle

                    Adjusting handle is used to modify the force of compression roller.

                    Discharge Chute

                    This part of machine is responsible to exit the formed tablets from machine into a collection container.

                    7.Are There Any Types Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    There are multiple types of rotary tablet machine available in market today. This wide classification has been introduced to meet the growing demands on part of manufacturers. So, let's explore these types in detail!

                    Types Of A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    According to Automation

                    Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Automatic rotary tablet press machine is the most advanced form of rotary tablet machine. It is fully automatic in technology with production output reaching the figure of 17000 tablets per hour. This machine can be integrated with other machines to further enhance the efficiency.


                    The structure of machine is robust and complex which is an assembly of several small to large components. These include a stainless-steel body, transparent window, control system, electric enclosure, turret, hopper, punches, dies, compression rollers, and a touch screen penal.

                    Working Process

                    It is fully automatic, therefore, automatically dispense the powder from hopper onto feed frame and die cavities simultaneously. Afterwards, the pre-compression and main compression take places. At last, the formed tablets are removed out from die bores through ejection.

                    Semi-Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Semi-Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Semi-Automatic Rotary Tablet Press Machine

                    Semi-Automatic rotary tablet press machine is small design machine with good production capacity of producing 1000 tablets per hour. The machine is easy-to-use and cost-effective in price. Different small to medium size industries can take advantage of this machine.


                    The structure of machine is small made up of several components including a metallic base, stainless steel hopper, turret, control board, compression rollers, and a motor etc.

                    Working Process

                    The machine is manually loaded with powder formula and powered on. It then automatically fills the die cavities, compresses the powder and eject formed tablets from die bore and discharge into the laying container.

                    According to Sides

                    Single Sided Rotary Tablet Press

                    Single Sided Rotary Tablet Press

                    Single Sided Square GMP Mini Tablet Press- Picture Courtesy:

                    Single sided rotary tablet machine is a common type of machine with single hopper and single rotary table. However, despite being a single sided equipment this machine can give you excellent production rate of compressing 4800 to 18000 per hour.


                    The structure of machine is medium size compared to double sided rotary tablet machine. It mainly consists of a single hopper, one turret, operation panel along with certain knobs, and an electric appliance box.

                    Working Process

                    It follows the conventional working procedure by filling the dies with powder. Afterwards, precise amount of powder is kept inside the dies and rest is removed. The filled powder is then compressed to form tablets. When the punches reach to ejection cam track, the formed tablets are ejected from the machine.

                    Double Sided High Speed Rotary Tablet Press

                    Double Sided High Speed Rotary Tablet Press

                    Double Sided High Speed Rotary Tablet Press- Picture Courtesy:

                    This is another type of a rotary tablet machine which is tailored with excellent tools and double rotary punches to achieve utmost productivity. In this machine, the powder is fed into two turrets from double sides. Therefore, its production efficiency is double than a single rotary tablet machine with compressing 2,66,400 tablets in an hour.


                    The structure of machine is a composite whole of double turrets, two hoppers, four adjusting handle, enclosed body, control system, and electromechanical tools etc.

                    Working Process

                    It simply works in a way where one hopper is responsible to provide powder to the die cavities located in upper turret, while as, another hopper feed the die cavities of the lower turret. Similarly, both these turrets undergo compression stage and ultimately, discharge the compressed tablets through single discharge chute.

                    According to Layers

                    Bilayer Tablet Compression Machine

                    Bilayer Tablet Compression Machine

                    Bilayer Tablet Compression Machine- Picture Courtesy:

                    Bilayer rotary tablet machine is featured with innovative technology to form bilayer tablets by compressing two formulations into single tablet. It has high efficiency level and can be used in nutraceucal, pharmaceutical, and food industries.


                    This machine has relatively a precise body with several parts accounting for its construction including two funnels, single turret, pre-compression and main compression rollers, multiple adjusting handles, and electric enclosure etc.

                    Working Process

                    It works by infusing the first formulation into die cavities and compress them. The turret them move and leading these die cavities to be filled with second formulation. After this, the main compression exert force on punches leading the creation of uniform bilayer tablets. Finally, tablets are ejected from the dies.

                    Multilayer Tablet Press Machine

                    Multilayer Tablet Press Machine

                    Multi Layer Tablet Press Machine- Picture Courtesy:

                    Multilayer tablet press machine is the most updated model of a rotary tablet machine with the ability to form three-layer tablets. It greatly ensures the precision of each dosage layer with the help of integrated sampling facility for weighing and checking. Moreover, it can be employed in food, medical, and chemical industries.


                    It consists of three hoppers, heavy-duty machinery, feeder system, compression rollers, emergency stop, turret, control panel, and discharge chute etc.

                    Working Process

                    The working process of a multi layer tablet machine is a bit unconventional with intermittent filling of powders into dies and their subsequent compression. Firstly, individual powder mixtures are poured in separate feeding hoppers. Secondly, when the turret start moving, one powder mixture is filled in die cavity and get compressed.

                    This die cavity is then filled with another powder mixture and compressed where two layers get formed. Thirdly, the same die cavity is then filled with distinct powder mixture and a final compression take place. Finally, the formed tablets are ejected and discharged.

                    8.Differentiate Between Rotary Tablet Machine And Single Punch Tablet Machine?

                    Rotary tablet machine and single punch tablet machine are used for making tablets but their structure, working process, and many other aspects are different from each other. Therefore, we have explained these differences in the table below for your clear understanding:

                    No Factors Rotary Tablet Machine Single Punch Tablet Machine
                    1 Definition Rotary tablet machine is a multi station rotary press machine that compress powder with upper and lower punch. Single punch tablet machine is the earliest form of a tablet press machine with single punch.
                    2 Structure Its structure is complex and containing different components. While as single punch tablet machine is small in size and consists of fewer parts.
                    3 Number of punches It has set of upper and lower punch. On the other hand, this type of machine has only a single upper punch.
                    4 Process Its process is convenient due to automation but has several stages. In contrast, the working process of a single punch tablet machine is straight forward.
                    5 Speed It is highly efficient with capacity of producing 800 tablets in a minute. In contrary, this machine can compress 80 tablets per minute.
                    6 Cost It is expensive than a single punch tablet machine. While as, this machine is cost-effective.
                    7 Picture A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    Allpack Rotary tablet press machine ZP-7B

                    Single Punch Tablet Machine

                    Allpack TDP series Single punch tablet press

                    9.What Are The Uses Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    A rotary tablet machine has extensive applications which can be better understand by looking into the below highlighted sectors:

                    Pharmaceutical Industry

                    Pharmaceutical Industry

                    Coated oblong tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    Rotary tablet machine is widely used in pharmaceutical industry to meet the excessive need for producing different kinds of tablets and pills with varying shapes and sizes.

                    Nutraceucal Industry

                    Nutraceucal Industry

                    Nutraceucal drugs display- Picture Courtesy:

                    As the growth rate of nutraceucal industry is surpassing other sectors, it can be said that demand for formation of large number of tablets is also growing. Hence, a rotary tablet machine is inevitable to fulfill this production target.

                    Veterinary Industry

                    Veterinary Industry

                    Doctor treating a dog- Picture Courtesy:

                    Tablet is considered the most convenient and desirable form of dosage which can be easily swallowed by pets and animals as well. Therefore, veterinary industry uses a rotary tablet machine to make abundant tablets.

                    Food Industry

                    Food Industry

                    Malt tablets packaging- Picture Courtesy:

                    Among other areas food sector is the notable one. Here, you will find number of confectioneries in form of bilayer and multilayer tablets like milk tablets, chocolate tablets, and other tablets made from compacting salt and dyes. So, a rotary tablet machine can be used in various food industries.

                    Chemical Industry

                    Chemical Industry

                    Chlorine tablets in hand- Picture Courtesy:

                    The application of a rotary tablet machine can also be found in chemical industry where chemical powders are compressed to form tablets and then used for different purposes. In this way, chlorine tablets are the common example.

                    Pesticide Industry

                    Pesticide Industry

                    Tree & shrub tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    We are familiar with the fact that the health of plants is always in danger due to harmful pests and insects. That's why different techniques have been employed to tackle this issue by restricting the access of these organisms to plants. Similarly, pesticides have been enclosed in tablets for which a rotary tablet machine is used.

                    10.How To Examine The Quality Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    In order to examine the quality of a rotary tablet machine, you can simply check the certifications of the company. In this way, below highlighted quality standards are internationally recognized ones whose compliance will indicate that the machine is made up of quality material:

                    Quality Of A Rotary Tablet Machine


                    International Organization for Standardization is an international organization established to ensure the credibility and safety of goods and products. Therefore, if a rotary tablet machine is ISO certified, it is made up of quality material.


                    Good Manufacturing Practices is yet another platform created to guarantee the hygiene and purity of a rotary tablet machine. So, a machine complying with GMP regulations will be of high-quality standard.


                    Food and Drugs Administration is USA based agency with primary goal to provide safe and healthy drugs and associated equipment. Therefore, a rotary tablet machine which is used for making drugs must meet with the FDA's rules.


                    CE is the collective marking of European Union made to allow the mobilization of only those products which are conforming the Union's health, safety, and environmental protection standards. Hence, presence of this mark on a rotary tablet machine will strengthen its quality.

                    11.What Machines Can Be Integrated With A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    Rotary tablet machine can be integrated with other machines to facilitate larger production output. The list of these machines has been provided below:

                    Tablet Deduster Machine

                    Tablet Deduster Machine

                    Allpack Top rotation type tablet deduster machine SZS230

                    Tablet deduster machine is one of the essential equipment that can be attached to a rotary tablet machine. It is used to remove out the dust and residues from tablets after their pressing. It consists of a main frame, chassis, vacuum device, dust collection plate, infeed, and outlet etc. It works by following the principle of vibration.

                    The mechanical force generate vibration which results in tablets scattering and moving over perforated plate. At this point, the dust is collected through vacuum device and tablets are free from dust.

                    Tablet Coating Machine

                    Tablet Coating Machine

                    Allpack tablet coating machine BYA-600

                    Tablet coating machine is another equipment that can be integrated with rotary tablet machine. It is employed for coating the tablets with thin coating film. Several components constitute its body including a coating pot, heating device, control panel, and machine base etc. It coats the tablets by continuously rotating them in a coating chamber where fluidized coating formula is sprayed over the tablets resulting in even coating.

                    Tablet Counting Machine

                    Tablet Counting Machine

                    Allpack APC-8 Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Tablet counting machine is the most important machine which go side by side with rotary tablet machine. It has been designed with automatic technology to count the tablets through sensors and vibratory trays and then fill these counted tablets into various bottles and containers. It is made up of several parts comprising a hopper, vibratory channel, counting compartment, filling head, and automatic detection system.

                    Blister Packaging Machine

                    Blister Packaging Machine

                    Allpack DPP-180H High Speed Tablet/Pill/Capsule Alu Alu Blister Packaging Machine

                    It is a primary packaging machine mostly used for tablets packaging. This blister packaging machine is used to create blister packs in round or oblong shape to hold tablets and pills. The machine uses, film roll, thin aluminum foil, heating system, and detection system to precisely form the blister packs, accurately place the tablets in blister packs, and seal them through aluminum foil.

                    12.How To Maintain A Rotary Tablet Machine For Smooth Functioning?

                    Regularly maintaining your rotary tablet machine can enhance the working life of the machine and also keep its pace at good condition. In this way, below discussed are some of the notable tips whose following will help you achieve the maintenance of a rotary tablet machine:

                    Rotary Tablet Machine For Smooth Functioning

                    Lubricating mechanical parts of machine- Picture Courtesy:

                    Dusting & Cleaning:No doubt, cleaning is the obligatory part of maintaining a rotary tablet machine. So, you need to dedust the parts of machine after the machine complete one round and wash these parts when daily task gets done. These parts include the hopper, fill parts, compression rollers, dies and punches. Parts like control panel, handle, and control board can be wiped out with cloth.

                    Lubrication:Lubrication is another important step in maintenance of a rotary tablet machine. Here, you need to lubricate the transmission parts of machine-like rollers to improve their motion fluency.

                    Parts Changeover:After cleaning and lubrication, it is significant to have a look towards the damaged parts of machine. If you find components in unsuitable condition, then make sure to timely change them with new spare parts.

                    13.Troubleshoot The Common Pitfalls Of A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    When operating a rotary tablet machine, it might show malfunctions that can lead to bigger challenges like tablets breaking and capping etc. These pitfalls are caused due to technical issues that occur inside the machine. To troubleshoot these errors timely you need to have relevant knowledge about it which is given in the table below:

                    No Pitfalls Causes Solutions Pictures
                    1 Tablets capping happening after compression The reasons are trapped air inside die cavity and the excessive dry nature of powder. It can be tackled by increasing the dwell time of pre-compression stage, so, the air will get more time to come out. Also, make sure the powder has enough lubrication to make it compact. Tablets capping happening

                    Capping of tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    2 Lamination of tablets Over compression is the core reason for lamination of tablets where they get cracked. Another reason can be the use of inappropriate dies. So, you need to enhance the pre-pre-compression time to lead powders stick together and use tapered dies which are best for avoiding tablets lamination. Lamination of tablets

                    Laminated tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    3 Tablets particles stick to the punch tips or heads It is one of the serious issues that occurs as a result of particles being wet from inside leading them to stick to punch head. In some cases, the punching tools are also responsible for particles picking. The solution lies in properly drying the powder mixture after its wet granulation tool place. Moreover, increasing the dwell time of pre-compression roller will give time to powders for drying. Along with that, daily polishing of punching tools will highly reduce the chances of tablets sticking to their heads. Tablets particles stick

                    Tablets sticking to punches heads- Picture Courtesy:

                    4 Tablets binding happen inside the die restricting way for tablets ejection Too much binding agent causes tablets' sides to take hold in die cavity which can make them crumble when ejected. Reduce the lubrication or binding agent in tablets and make sure the mixture is well dried. Tablets binding happen

                    Tablets with rough sides- Picture Courtesy:

                    5 Tablets friability Tablets’ friability leads to challenges in their coating, packaging and delivery. It has various reasons encompassing the low number of binders, excessive compression speed, and large granules with no fine powder. Solution is simple, you need to add sufficient binders into mixture, reduce the compression force of machine to suitable level, and reduce the size of granules. Tablets friability

                    Broken tablet- Picture Courtesy:

                    14.What Are The Instrumental Considerations For Purchasing A Rotary Tablet Machine?

                    Purchasing a rotary tablet machine means including in your production line a determiner who will determine critical things about your business such as the manufacturing output, size and shapes of tablets, and cost of production. So, make sure you are choosing this machine attentively!

                    Production Capacity

                    Production Capacity

                    Capacity puzzle- Picture Courtesy:

                    The first and most critical factor to look for is the production capacity which you are planning to have. Since, there rotary tablet machine is available both in automatic, semi-automatic, single sided and double sided form, you can opt according to your needs.

                    Shape & Size of Tablets

                    Size of Tablets

                    Different sizes & shapes of tablets- Picture Courtesy:

                    Another crucial consideration comes on part of the tablets' shape and size. Here, you have to pick for right assembly of punches and dies whose specifications are compatible to your desired ones.

                    Type of Feeding System

                    Rotary tablet machines come with two types of feeding system: open feeder and closed feeder. Open feeder has poor flow ratio, which is good for granulated mixture compression, while as, closed feeder has fluent feeding frequency and is suitable for powders. So, make sure you opt for the rotary tablet machine with an intended feeding system.

                    15.What Is Allpack Line Of Rotary Tablet Machines?

                    Allpack is providing a suitable collection of rotary tablet machines. Have a look towards it!

                    No Machine Production Capacity Per Minute Number of Dies
                    1 Allpack rotary tablet press machine ZP-5B

                    A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    9000 tablets 5
                    2 Allpack Rotary tablet press machine ZP-7B

                    A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    12600 tablets 7
                    3 Allpack Rotary tablet press machine ZP-9B

                    A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    16200 tablets 9
                      Allpack Rotary tablet press machine ZP-7B

                    A Rotary Tablet Machine

                    17000 tablets 11


                    We are wrapping up this buying guide about a Rotary Tablet Machine with great enthusiasm and a hope that you have found this piece of writing a helpful one. Rotary tablet machine is the answer to all problems that are being faced by today's manufacturers in medical field, food sector, and pesticide industry. It is the most updated version of tableting machinery as proved by the above discussed vast classification of a rotary tablet machine. So, now it's your turn to revolutionize your tablet making business. If you are eager to learn more, stay in contact with us!

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                    Rotary Tablet Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024 Read More »

                    Handheld Tablet Press-3

                    Handheld Tablet Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                    Handheld Tablet Press: The Complete Buying Guide In 2024

                    Are you a business owner that involves usage of a handheld tablet press? Are you interested in buying a high-quality handheld tablet press to improve your productivity? Are you interested in investing in a handheld tablet press? Does your industry involve tablet pressing process? Want to know more regarding a handheld tablet press? This is the forum where you can get all the related information that will support you in selecting the right type of handheld tablet press. Read the complete guide to resolve your queries.

                      Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                      1.What Is A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Handheld Tablet Press

                      Handheld Tablet Press

                      A handheld tablet press is a portable equipment used in various industries to manually compress powdered or granular materials into tablets.

                      It has a press mechanism, die cavity, and a handle for manual operation, making it ideal for small-scale or laboratory applications. These presses provide a simple and cost-effective way to produce tablets with precise dimensions and consistent weight.

                      2.What Are The Applications Of A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Applications Of A Handheld Tablet Press

                      Allpack Handheld Tablet Press Applications

                      Handheld tablet press has numerous uses depending upon the size and shape of tablets. Some of the applications of a handheld tablet press are

                      Pharmaceutical Industry

                      Pharmaceutical Industry

                      Formulating Pharma Tablets - Picture Courtesy: PharmaTech

                      Pharmaceutical industry widely uses handheld tablet press for its clinical trials and initial testing purpose. Some of the small-scale pharmaceutical industry also applies handheld tablet press to produce efficient and unique type of tablets. Many clinical trials are also carried on using a handheld tablet press as it can be easily adjusted for different formulations and produce accurate samples.

                      Herbal Industry

                      Herbal Industry

                      Herbal Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Candy Room Sweets

                      Herbal industry also uses handheld tablet press to make precise and consistent dosage of medicines. This helps in preventing material loss and also standards the productivity with keeping the quality consistent in each tablet.

                      Nutraceutical Industry

                      Nutraceutical Industry

                      Manufacturing Nutraceutical Tablets - Picture Courtesy: Nutraceutical Business

                      Formulation of supplements and vitamins produced in nutraceutical industries are mostly carried out using a handheld tablet press. These tablets are produced for testing and research purpose in small scale industries. Press is feasible to use and also efficient in producing nutraceutical tablets.

                      Cosmetics Industry

                      Cosmetics Industry

                      Glutathione Niacinamide Beauty Tablet - Picture Courtesy: APLB

                      Most of the skin and health care tablets produced in cosmetics industry are manufactured using a handheld tablet press. These tablets are easily produced by high quality pressing and material mixing capability of a handheld tablet press.

                      Fertilizer And Agricultural Industry

                      Fertilizer And Agricultural Industry

                      Tree Grow Fertilizer Tablets- Picture Courtesy: Northwoods Tree Farms

                      Fertilizers and pesticides that are important for the growth of plants to provide them a controlled growth and to keep insects away are also processed using a handheld tablet press. Agricultural sector uses these handheld tablet presses for formulation of unique types of tablets.

                      Research And Development Labs

                      Research And Development Labs

                      Research & Development - Picture Courtesy: Bora Pharmaceuticals

                      Handheld tablet press is also used for on field research and development purposes. They are used in field applications or remote places where larger-scale tablet pressing equipment is unavailable or unfeasible.

                      3.What Benefits You Can From A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      There are several advantages of a handheld tablet press. Some of them are



                      Flexible Use Of Handheld Tablet Press

                      Handheld tablet press is highly efficient when it comes to their mobility and accommodation. These can easily be moved from one place to another and are flexible in handling. Handheld tablet press allows quick changes to formulas and forms. Tablets of any size and shape can easily be produced using a handheld tablet press.



                      Handheld Tablet Press - Picture Courtesy: Automatic Rotary Tablet

                      The press has simple operation that does not requires any expert training. The controls are provided and guided for exact tablet compression.



                      Design Tablet Tooling

                      Another benefit of a handheld tablet press is that it can be changed easily according to the required shape and size of tablet. The machine is easy to customize by just changing the die cavity of required tablets within a small fraction of time.

                      Waste Reduction

                      Waste Reduction

                      Several Efficient Medical Tablets Designs

                      Handheld tablet press ensures that no material of tablet is send on account of wastage and also reduced material spillage. It maintains the composition of tablets and saves a lot of resources.

                      4.What Types Of Tablets Are Processed In A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Some of the types of tablets that are processed in a handheld tablet press are

                      Immediate And Extended Release Tablets

                      Extended Release Tablets

                      Immediate Release Tablet - Picture Courtesy: XenoFarma

                      Abundantly, pharmaceutical tablets are processed using a handheld tablet press globally. Immediate and extended release tablets are mostly processed in a handheld tablet press to maintain their effectiveness and quality. The drugs are used for quick and gradual cure of diseases respectively.

                      Chewable Tablets

                      Chewable Tablets

                      Chewable Tablets - Picture Courtesy: PharmaTech

                      Some of the formulated tablets are difficult of inhale. For this purpose, modern research and development has introduced chewable tablets that are easy to swallow and also have different flavors that can help in their easy intake.

                      Vitamin Supplements

                      Vitamin Supplements

                      Vitamax - Picture Courtesy: Nutrifactor

                      Most of the tablets that contains vitamins or minerals can easily be processed using a handheld tablet press. It ensures their accurate formulation and also helps in saving important material from wastage. Most of the nutraceutical and cosmetics industry use handheld tablet press for processing of vitamins and minerals tablets.



                      Strepsils Orange With Vitamin C Lozenges - Picture Courtesy: Strepsils

                      Handheld tablet presses are also compatible with variety of lozenges that are made up of active pharmaceutical ingredients. This equipment can easily produce lozenges medications that are used mostly for throat and mouth diseases that make them easy to swallow or chew.

                      5.What Is The Working Procedure Of A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Working Procedure Of A Handheld Tablet Press

                      Handheld Tablet Press Working – Picture Courtesy: Powder Process

                      A handheld tablet press typically involves following working steps in its operation

                      Step 1: Formulation 

                      Initially the powdered or granular components are formulated that are to be used for the preparation of a tablet.

                      Step 2: Material Filling

                      Once the formulation is done the die cavity of a handheld tablet press is filled with evenly distribution of prepared formulation so that the composition remains the same in each tablet.

                      Step 3: Compaction

                      Manual pressure is used to condense the formulation into a tablet shape within the die chamber of a handheld tablet press.

                      As a result of this pressure the tablet is forms within the die cavity and it is then removed from the die cavity with the ejection mechanism.

                      Step 4: Tablet Ejection

                      The tablets are collected to ensure their quality which included their size, shape, weight and consistency. The same process is repeated to continue the process.

                      6.What Are The Different Types Of Handheld Tablet Press Available Globally?

                      Globally there are various types of handheld tablet presses available which are used to produce different types of tablets

                      Single Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      Single Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      Single Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      One of the simplest types of a handheld tablet press that only uses a single punch for tablet formulation is a single punch handheld tablet press. A single punch handheld tablet press is used in small scale industries where low productivity volume is present.

                      Multi Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      Multi Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      Hand Operated Multi Punch Tablet Press

                      A multi punch handheld tablet press is used to produce more than one tablet at a single punch. The presses have multiple turrets and die cavities that rotate to compress the formulation into tablets. A multi punch handheld tablet press is used in small scale pharmaceutical industry to produce to enhance their productivity.

                      Manual Cam-Operated Handheld Tablet Press

                      Manual Cam-Operated Handheld Tablet Press

                      Manual Cam-Operated Single Punch Handheld Tablet Press

                      A manual cam-operated handheld tablet press is simple to operate and much user friendly as compare to other types of handheld tablet presses. It is ideal for small-scale or for on field applications.

                      Hydraulic Handheld Tablet Press

                      Hydraulic Handheld Tablet Press

                      Hydraulic Handheld Tablet Press – Picture Courtesy: Global Pharma

                      A hydraulic handheld tablet press uses hydraulic pressure to provide fine control tablet formation and is perfect for high-speed and large-scale manufacturing processes. This compact press is ideal for producing single tablets.

                      7.What Are The Main Components Of A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Main Components Of A Handheld Tablet Press

                      The Main Components Of A Handheld Tablet Press

                      A handheld tablet press has a simple structure consisting of following parts

                      Die Cavity

                      The die cavity is the area in which the tablet formulation is entered to form a tablet. Here the punches are squeezed to produce tablets of the specified shape and size.


                      A handheld tablet press has two types of punches an upper punch and a lower punch. The upper punch is a part that exerts pressure on the formulation within the die chamber. Whereas the lower punch is the section of press that supports the die chamber and aids in tablet compression.


                      A handle is used for manually operating the press and applying pressure to compress the tablet formulation.

                      Die Holder

                      In the structure a die holder is that holds the tablet press components including the die cushion and die cavity. It offers stability while the operation is performed.

                      8.What Are The Major Differences Between A Handheld And A Rotary Tablet Press?

                      Handheld And A Rotary Tablet Press

                      Differences Between A Handheld And A Rotary Tablet Press

                      Both handheld and rotary tablet press is used for tablet formulation and has same basic mechanism. Some of the differences between these two types of tablet press are:

                      Description Handheld Tablet Press Rotary Tablet Press
                      Operation A handheld tablet press has mostly single punch for tablet formation. It uses manual intervention to form different types of tablets. The formulation is entered in the die cavity and pressed manually to form tablet. Whereas a rotary tablet press uses a turret with multiple die pockets that can compresses the powder or granules into tablets as the turret rotates. Automatic and semi-automatic processes are carried out in an efficient manner.
                      Machine Structure A handheld tablet press has a simple and small structure with a handle and a die cavity to press tablet formulation. Manual process is done by the operator in an easier way. The structure of rotary tablet press is complex as compare to handheld tablet press as it contains multi layered dies, punches and feeding system. All combine to form large number of tablets in a small fraction of time.
                      Production Capacity Only 5 to 10 tablets are formed in a minute depending upon the efficiency of the operator. The rotary tablet press is basically designed in a way that is can fulfill requirement of large-scale industries. Thousands of tablets are produced in a single minute with a greater efficiency and precision.

                      9.How Different Die Sizes Are Adjusted In A Single Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Single Handheld Tablet Press

                      Manual Single Punch Tablet Press - Picture Credit: CECLE Machine

                      Different sizes and shapes of tablet require different dies and punches for their formation. For these tablets, a single handheld tablet press can be suitable by just changing both the upper and lower punches of die cavity. These punches can easily be removed and are interchangeable with other sets. Each die set has its particular size and shape that makes it appropriate to handle and use when required.

                      Discuss following points are suitable for adjusting punch die in a tablet press:

                      Die Replacement

                      Die Replacement

                      Die replacement- Picture Courtesy: Natoli

                      This is the first thing that comes in mind when talking about adjusting die. Yes you need to replace the whole die with older one. This is involved with manual removal of die by twisting the mold followed by newer die changeover.

                      Adjusting Lower Punch

                      Adjusting Lower Punch

                      Lower Punch of tablet Press

                      Many handheld tablets press are featuring adjustable lower punch with variation in thickness and diameter. This is the most flexible way as this is fast and easy.

                      Turret Rotation

                      Turret Rotation

                      Turret Rotation

                      By rotating turret, die of different sizes can be adjusted and allows a quick changeover.

                      Modern tablet presses are featured with tool free adjustments of dies with high working efficiency.

                      10.What Are the Major Differences Between A Handheld And An Automatic Tablet Press?

                      Handheld And An Automatic Tablet Press-2

                      Some of the major differences between handheld and automatic tablet press are:

                      Parameter Handheld Tablet Press Automatic Tablet Press
                      Working Operation Complete operation in a handheld tablet press required manual intervention that is to perform all tasks. From material loading to ejection of tablet, all of the process is done manually. In an automatic tablet press, majority of the process steps are performed by the machine itself. The machine gets the material from the hopper or container, presses it in between die cavities and then ejects them out of the system once they are fully prepared.
                      Controlling From adjustments of die to production of tablets, the operator is responsible for the controlling of a handheld tablet press. Machine is responsible for the task performing whereas the system parameters like speed, dispensing time, flow and other are feed by the operator that are used in controlling the operation.




                      The overall efficiency of a handheld tablet press remains low and completely relies of the expertise of the concern operator. Where an automatic tablet press has complete automatic processes, the overall efficiency of the system remain top the mark in each of the produced tablet. Completely aligned and synchronized production is carried throughout the operation.
                      Productivity The productivity of a handheld tablet press remains very low as it depends on the performance of operator that supports small scale industries only. High level large scale industries prefer automatic tablet press where the production requirement remains high. These machines can produce thousands of tablets in an hour.

                      11.How To Maintain A Handheld Tablet Press?

                      Maintain A Handheld Tablet Press

                      How To Maintain Handheld Tablet Press


                      To maintain a handheld tablet press it is important to lubricate its moving part with oil or grease that makes it easy to move for a longer period. If lubrication is not done on proper basis it can damage the parts both internally and externally.


                      One of the most important ways to maintain a handheld tablet press is to clean it properly after every batch or designated duration. As tablet powder can remain left in the die cavity therefore it is necessary to clean it properly and regularly to maintain the efficiency of tablets. Formulation and composition of tablets can also get affect if it is not cleaned properly.

                      Calibration Of Die Cavities

                      With certain pressure, die cavities or punches of a handheld tablet press can transform its shape that can be dangerous sometimes. It is always necessary to check the dimension of these punches and die cavity to maintain the quality and shape of any tablet. Otherwise, it can create a greater loss to the manufacturer.


                      A handheld tablet press gives significant usage when it comes to tablet formation and R&D purpose. It is always important to understand the uses, advantages, and operational methods of a handheld tablet press before buying it. Allpack is always here to provide you complete information related to a handheld tablet press and helps you in buying the best type of press. For any query contact our customer representatives that are available 24/7 for your guidance.

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